It would be awesome

Jason Fry

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jun 5, 2008
It would be awesome if there was one supply dealer that had everything I needed. Seems like every time I need stuff, I end up having to order from two or three places, and pay two or three shipping fees.

I try to order whatever I can think of that I might need from a supplier when I order. I also have favorite suppliers for different things. Maybe I'd be better off just making whatever I could make knife-wise using only supplies from one spot.
I hear your pain! It seems like each supplier doesnt want to infringe on the others turf with certain items...just a quick look at my books, 5 different suppliers to get me through until the end of the year, ohh except for a few little things I forgot.

I have been focusing on finding local sources for everything I can. I found a small little hole in the wall abrasives place that I can order all of that stuff through. Good prices and its a local pick up. There is a couple local heat treaters too but Im not so sure what they capabilities are. Ive been meaning to visit this high end wood place about an hour away, If I can get myself together and buy everything at once, I could probably get everything but the most high end stuff and hand pick it too.

Its just so easy to go online and shop that way
Yup.......agree 100%
Try having to do 3 different orders and pay shipping(and exchange, plus customs fees) to get it to the great white north!

The dealers/Suppliers want to have slightly different stuff that everyone else has so they don't end up in prices wars.

I use for ALL of my abrasives, By the way, they just became the dealer for DamaSteel for the USA, Cool stuff, and Scott just told me a couple of weeks ago that they now have a ton of High Quality folder parts.

I use for my Loveless bolts and a few other things and Knifedogs, Midwest knifemaker supply for Epoxy and steel from Aldo in NJ.

Handle materials from many places.