JERRY! Desert question


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2001
Can you do it tonight or tommorow night?

I want to be able to pick mine up at the 1500!
If he does do it..... you'll never make it to indy... The Babe and Shaggi will hunt you down for sure:mad:
Beside's that it will take a week to sort out all the email's just to see who win's....;)

Ladies, you should punish him for even thinking such a thing..... I have it, The perfect punishment... Send his knives to me:D
Originally posted by mschwoeb
Can you do it tonight or tommorow night?

I want to be able to pick mine up at the 1500!

Slow down there paco, are you talking about little buggers or the 10" of joy? :) Cause if it's the big one, we's gots to have a talk ;)

However I do agree....let's get this show on the road Jerry!! You're making us hurt worse than some wife with a month long headache.....GIVE IT UP BABY JUST GIVE IT UP!!! :D
DN, Here's the key to get past the ole headache routine.....

Crawl into bed with 2 asprin and a glass of water and give them to your wife.

When she asks "What's this for, I don't have a headache"

Just say "Glad to hear it, Let's have some fun now:D "
Hey, I'm all for a chocolate sunday, maybe even whip cream and a cherry, or a good piece of cake would also be nice.:confused: OH! You said DESERT bad. Must be hungry;) :D :p
If he does do it..... you'll never make it to indy...

That would be kind of tough, as I live in Indy! And come on, torture from the two of them, that would not be torture, it would be fun!
I'll be bringin' a boat load of yet to be seen desert models to Indy!!!

They won't be for sale or for pictures but they'll be there for the lovin' !!!!

WOOOHOOOO!! Jerry's bringin models to INDY for lovin!!! Hope Mrs. thatmguy doesn't find out!!
These aren't just any models....these be desert models :D:D

(it actually sounded a lot better in my head ;) )
If only they were dessert models.....
whipped cream with a cherry on top!
Hmmmmm, something from the Busse shop with whipcream and a cherry.....I'll even pay for overnight shipping :D
That is not right. We don't get to see the new stuff and we cannot even get pics!!!!!!!!!!

Any chance we can get you down here in September for the Spirit Of
Steel show Jerry? I am sure that Texas would put a good showing for you.
