Jerry Fisk knives

Dec 24, 2002
I have two very early Fisk knives one is a bowie and the other a slim fighter both marked w/ FISK/JS, which Im told is his journeyman stamp, anyone have info on these knives or value????
thanks jim
Jerry would probably be able to help you out with info. He often makes an appearance on this forum. You can also check out his web site, and get his email address from there.

For value, you might want to ask Paul Basch at A.G. Russell Knives, . There would be a charge for this valuation, but it would be being done by the best in the business, so you would know the values would be accurate.

One thing is for sure, Jerry's knives are highly sought after and you have yourself a couple of very good ones there.

You were told correctly, that would be his Journeyman Stamp.
Just give Mr Jerry a call, he is more than willing to tell you the price of replacing your knives today. That is the best way of ariving at a value. 870/289-3240 or

Just another reason that most of the ABS guys are a pleasure to work with.:)
