Jimmy Fikes Knives

Win Heger

Gold Member
Feb 29, 2000
I've been fortunate to be a friend of Jimmy for probably 15 years. I first got interested in his knives from articles in "Fighting Knives" magazines. This led me to go on a quest for knives by Jimmy, not an easy chore. Matt Lamey is another friend of Jimmys and he and I have traded ownership on several knives. I think we both wish we had kept them all.

I carried a small knife called a Cabin Boy for several years and it was an awesome cutter! I'm going to be sending one of mine out for a Kydex sheath and carry it while hiking.

Here is a link to a Fototime album I assembled, some of you have seen it but some of the new folks might enjoy seeing some great pieces.


Thaanks for sharing those pictures, Win. One doesn't often get a chance to see a lot of Jimmy Fikes' work, so it's a real treat to view your gallery.
Thank you -- I never tire of looking at his work. :thumbup:
Great assortment, thanks for sharing.

I really like the big camp / fighters, and that damascus, Chinese-style chopper is gorgeous (or maybe it's Philipino inspired - the carving makes me say that). The Parang is pretty awesome too - that must have been a mean beast.

Wow, you have a nice collection there.
Thanks for the peek Win. We don't see nearly enuugh of Jimmy's knives on the forums. The larger blades really float my boat.

Hi Win,thanks for posting the pictures.The ones I liked most are the Cabin Boy,the Tanto and the big camp knife;) .Beautiful set of pictures.Also liked the pictures of Utah.Wonderful place,almost as good as Wyoming,just a tad lower in beauty:D .
Thanks, guys. I don't own all those knives, although I'd like to. I saved pictures that Jimmy sent me over the years and a couple came from others.

Raj has a pretty nice selection of Jiimmy's knives, wish he'd buy a digital. He keeps telling me Wyoming is nicer than Utah but can't back it up with pictures! I think he's still in New Jersey.

Thanks, Ralph.

Hi Win,I don't have to back up the claims about Wyoming with my pictures.Your pictures of Wyoming,itself is proof enough of that.
New Jersey,what is that???:D :D .
Let me know when you get to start carrying the Cabin boy.Trying to find a Cabin boy is what brought me to Mr Gary Graley's attention and then to your home,those many years ago.Still remember your hospitality on that day to a total stranger.Went home with that cabin boy,but more importantly went home having made a friend in you.A true friend is a very rare thing to find.I am glad to say that I found such a friend in you.
One of the nicer things to happen to me directly or indirectly via the bladeforums.
You need to change that avatar you have to the Jimmy Fikes' tanto or the more beautiful camp knife(mine,of course)made by Fikes.
The tanto made by Fikes is one of the best I have handled.Looks like it will pierce a steel drum and even cut it up:) .