Jocko rocking an Emerson

I like to watch his podcasts from time to time.
Seemed a little overly intense at first, but I guess that's to be expected in some ways. I mean he's an intense dude! :D
Jocko has a lot of good things to say. I like how he explains things in a relatable way
most can understand and apply to everyday life rather than just a "lessons from war stories format."
What are your opinions on the book? I've never heard of the guy. And as much history/mil reading I do, I really try to keep away from the slew of SEAL autobiographies.

Sure, I could sift through some elsewhere, but I'd like to hear what fellow Emerson enthusiasts think about it.
I've listened to the audible version of his book, Extreme Ownership. It's great information where he and the co author read their own parts. They integrate their time as SEALS by creating solutions for not just combat but for average Joe's in the workplace. Basically by taking Extreme Ownership of everything you do and not making excuses you can become a better leader, husband, father, etc. I really liked the part of checking your ego. Being in law enforcement I'm used to being in charge of what I'm doing and having people listen intently on what I have to say. Now bringing that mentality into my house is a recipe for disaster. I have to check my ego, humble myself, and remember that at home my wife is my "partner" and we are a team. Also discipline equals freedom. If you are disciplined in what you do it leads to a better life. Examples would be being disciplined about fitness, finances, getting up early, not procrastinating, etc. By being disciplined you reap the benefits of being healthier, having financial wealth, enjoying the rest of your day, etc.

After hearing his book I went on to listen to one by David Goggins called "Can't Hurt Me." That's another excellent book / audiobook by a SEAL/Army Ranger.

Very motivational stuff. When I feel lazy I listen to them while I'm at my office or driving around.
Extreme Ownership was a fantastic book, audio and paper copy. Jocko also wrote a few books to give kids about not being wimpy, dealing with bullies etc.

batosai117 batosai117 when I started listening to Goggins I went out and exceeded my normal run distance of 5k with a 7 mile run. The next weekend I ran 13.1 miles.
Turns out, getting tired at the end of 3 miles was just a mental barrier that had to be broken. Both of these guys are inspirational.