Joe T.'s post on Benchmade's Forum.

Oct 5, 1998
I thought his post Re. BM's forum comming to BF was an excellent one. Where did it go? It's gone now from the BM forum. What I'd like to know is, were you booted from their forum too Joe? I believe I was booted too for suggesting that they do something to boost traffic. Just curious. I think I'd give up the idea before everyone gets booted from their forum. They don't answer any questions anyway. Only the obvious. Hell...anyone who owns a BM could moderate that forum.

- AKTI Member ID# A000322

- Intelligent men, unfortunately, learn from fools, more often than fools learn from intelligent men.

>I thought his post Re. BM's forum comming to BF was an excellent one

Well thanks, I thought so too!
Apparently BMST disagreed. Les and I are e-friends, so I told him about it and he recovered the post and is looking at it. He actually told me to call him at home to discuss it, which shows his level of concern, but I told him it wasn't that big a deal, I was just hoping he'd get to read it. I'm considering actually writing a more general article about web strategies, using some of the knife companies' web forums for concrete examples.'

No, I wasn't booted from the forum. Now *that* woulda pissed me off!


PS OH, to be completely clear, I felt that there were two strategies that made sense for Benchmade. If they didn't want to make a large investment in the web, they should come to * If they did want to keep their forum under their own control, they should have a good knowledge McWillis-like moderator to keep traffic high, and then have some hook to get people onto the rest of their site. But their current strategy, small investment and an unhelpful moderator (BMST) which leads to low traffic, seems to make no sense to me. Anyway, I laid the argument out in much more detail in the post itself.

[This message has been edited by Joe Talmadge (edited 01 October 1999).]
You sure are one hellava guy Joe. I hope I have the knowledge you do one day. Thanks


- AKTI Member ID# A000322

- Intelligent men, unfortunately, learn from fools, more often than fools learn from intelligent men.

Joe, what did your post say anyhow?


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
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