Judged by sak?

Oct 2, 2004
Do you guys find that as your appreatiation of sak's grew, you little by little carried other knives less?

I think over the years I more and more have been judging other knives by sak standards. Asking myself "Will this do what my sak will?" As a result I very rarely carry any other pocket knife but a sak. I have a few fixed blades around I keep for the woods, but as far as a folder, I find a sak does all I wish. I was never into the tactical thing, but I used to carry some lockbacks, but I gave them away to my kids and friends. They just came up too short. Too single mission.

Sak's have taken totally over my pocket knife role.
I totally agree. I have tried other slip joints, but find that while they are great knives I really miss having the tools to tackle any little jobs i come across. I don't carry anything else besides a Spyderco Rescue 93 for on the job rope cutting and a multi-tool.

I agree that a SAK does almost everything a folder can do and more, but carrying a modern folder is just so much cooler!

I do carry a multi-tool however, for specific jobs.

I carry a few different knives and multitools. Multipocketed blue jeans/painter pants are a godsend. :)

An unpleasant childhood experience with a knife blade closing on my fingers, repeated as an adult, motivates me to favor locking knives for larger tasks. I am also fond of modest-sized Schrade Uncle Henry, Camillus, and Case slip joints for small jobs.

I currently carry a Victorinox One-Hand Trekker which has a locking blade.
I wear a loaded tool belt or tote a tool bag almost everday at work, but I still feel naked if I don't have a Swiss Army knife in my right front pocket. Though I've carried numerous makes and models of pocket knives over the years, I still come back to a good solid Victorinox. I've come to trust and depend on them and just feel a lot better when it's with me!

Victorinox sets a standard for utility and value that I don't think any other knife can meet.
jackknife said:
Sak's have taken totally over my pocket knife role.

Same here. I must say that in the past I thought SAKs weren't any good and obviously I was very wrong about that:o ! Since I bought my first SAK (Victorinox Explorer) I started to carry it more and more and my other knives (pretty expensive folders) less and less. Nowadays I get by perfectly with a Spartan (sometimes a Climber or Soldier) and a little Signature on my keychain. At the moment I'm selling some of my other knives. Some of the money will be invested in... more SAKs.:D
I must admit I have collected many knives over the years but I am coming back around to SAK's.
I'm kinda the other way :) I do carry a lot of blades with me constantly. BUT, my SAK is the one that doesn't ever get taken out of the rotation. I keep forgetting the name (age:) ), but in looking at their web page, it's a Recruit. Mine doesn't get used that much, but you know, when you need it, it sure comes in handy.

- gord
I have just returned to SAKs after several years...mixed experience with other folders/slippies.

I have just rediscovered how light SAKs are to carry, compared to Syderco and other very expensive knives.

I still keep my little collection of Schrade, Buck, Camillus, Coleman, Sheffield knives, some of which I carry and keep very sharp, but for everyday, you cannot beat a SAK, for all sorts of little jobs.

I have just bought five SAKs on ebay for less than $25 and I must say I am impressed, all of them mint condition, no damage at all, only one had the slightest bit of dirt on it.
Two Adventurers, two Ramblers and a Wenger Camper with all sorts of tools including a small wood chisel?! wow.
I carry a big lockback folder for whatever big lockback folder jobs that I might come across, and I carry a great multi-tool* for nearly every other cutting, sawing, corkscrewing, chiseling, filing, can-opening, magnifying, toothpicking, tweezering, lighting, writing, etc. job that I might find. ;)


*Victorinox refers to their SAKs as "multi-tools," along with their SwissTool line.
Moved house recently and both my smaller SAKs have gone AWOL. I'm sure one of them (a locking Wenger that I have had for 15 years or more and will be hard to replace) went out with empty boxes.
I've been carrying an Opinel in my pocket until I find/replace the SAKs. Got some very strange looks when I opened it at work today. I guess it looks less harmless!