Jumping out of its FRN skin?

Nov 16, 2002
Last night, I was slicing up some cold chicken for the cats with my Native and it felt like the blade and lockback/backing, were sliding slightly out of the top of the FRN handles. Could that just be a tactile illusion caused by the ClipIt or is there a level of culinary force that is deemed excessive for the Native? I could take the ClipIt off and finish up the rest of the chicken tonight (my cats appreciate this experiment, so it will be positive for them, at least), but I'm scared that I'll find that my S30V Native FRN isn't the be-all end-all of mid-sized folders.

Has anyone else felt the same thing? If you did, was it a lose clip or did you exceed your folder's strength?

This is apparently a common feature of the Native lock design, but not a problem. Maybe the redesign of the Native will change this.
The 3-D thingie? Aside from the odd feeling, I like this puppie-dog just the way it is.

<babble mode on>
Also don't want to even think of losing S30V to VG-10 in the production model if the 3D wins out. They're both great and my VG10 Delica was even sharper out of the box than my S30V Native, but it's harder to sharpen.
<babble mode off>
It doesn't just happen to the Native. Most all lockbacks have a slight degree of verticle play which may cause the knife to look as if the blade and lockbar were rising out of the handle. Not a biggie and not a prediction of lock failure.
Thanks, Jazzman! Maybe it's because I used my Spyderco harder than my other lockbacks that I noticed it. Thank you so much.

<wonder mode on>
Now do I put my 806D2 back in its box and carry my Native again, carry both, or just the 806D2? Since it was reprofiled down to 30 degrees using everything from the diamonds to the UF hones, it's practically a Spyderco itself. After all, it was rubbing its shoulders against Spyderco products for a long time. Ha!
<wonder mode off>

Back to believing that the S30V Native FRN is the be-all end-all of mid-sized folders and having guilt for doubting it.

Thanks guys!
It is true that many folders have that tiny vertical play, but at least for Spydies, this isn't a concerning feature because I never heard of a Spydie lock to fail under the circumstances you mentioned.
A strange thing: I recently got a CPM-440V Native and knowing about this flaw, I checked it. Gues what? No play at all :)

How did you check it? Mine only had vertical blade play when slicing up cold, tough chicken for the kitties and bunched up old towels for the rat. I tried reproducing the play by putting a pen through the Spyder hole and pulling up and back really hard with inconsistent results.
All my Natives do this.I have no problem with it.If you hold the knife with your finger in the choil and thumb on top of the blade they do not do it.
Oh, I just opened the knife and stabbed it into a piece of wood, pushing forward and backwards. I was looking especialy for this flaw I knew of from various postings. No problem so far :)

Sounds like you tested for vertical play as thoroughly as you could. Glad to hear of your good fortune with your Native.


Thanks for the suggestion. That ramp is grippy.