Just a little photo fun


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Oct 3, 1998
The little CRKT version of the Carson F4 is fast becoming one of my favorite little fixed blades. I do wish however that more companies would offer a choice of handle colors. I wondered if the F4 would look alright in various colors. So, with a little work in Adobe PD I thought I would find out. Looks kinda cool in something besides black.

Looks good, Richard! I like the blue one....maybe if you're REALLY nice to Kit he'll do a scale swap for ya :D
I agree, there should be more color choices in handle material offered by companies. I think all three of those look great.
They are great little knives....and extremely good value for the $$$$.

Thanks for the pictures...

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"