Just Became an INFIdel (curse you Jerry)

Oct 26, 2001
Well, I just ordered my first Busse a few minutes ago. I told myself no more knives this year, but then I saw the Nark and decided to get one when the company store finally got them. Well, that was before I saw the FSH. Curse you for making such a varied and appealing product line Mr. Busse. :) Seriously, can't wait to see this one show up on my door, especially after lurking around this part of the forums for a while, I finally get to see what all the excitement's about.

Lagarto, welcome to the forum!!

You won't regret it at all man.

It will be good to hear your impressions when you start usin' and abusin' that pup.

What set up did you order?
I'm on a limited budget, so as I posted in another thread I was limited to the "free" options. I went with a black blade and standard Tan fusion handle. I figure that way I'll get some color and still not break the wallet (too much). Also, I was glad to see that they were offering a sheath this time so I wouldn't have to try and special order one. I got one of those as well.

Excellent combo.

The black/tan set up looks really hot, IMHO.

Plus, there are other models floating around with that so you can start a collection as discretionary funds free up.

Be sure to post pics if you can. You could also send the mto me and I can post them for you.

When it gets here in multiple weeks I'll email you some pics. I have a digital camera, but as a basic member I don't have picture hosting privelages.

Congrats!!!! . . . . .errr. . . and. . . . ummmm. . . . sorry about you gettin' the INFIction. . . .

Think of me as the doctor with a cure. . . admittedly it's only a temporary cure, but nonetheless a cure. ;)

Welcome aboard you poor soul. I feel your pain of the fixed budget but you'll find ways to make it work. I found that if I just stop eating for 3 days a week I can save some money. Sure it sucks but when you need a fix what else are you gonna do?
Jerry Busse said:
.......Think of me as the doctor with a cure. . . admittedly it's only a temporary cure, but nonetheless a cure. ;)
Wahahaha! That's a good one Jerry! Like the hangman offering a cure for a sore neck! :D :p

Oh, almost forgot.....Welcome to the madness Lagarto! Don't worry, INFI really isn't addictive at all! :p

Eric, I'll be sure to let you know. BTW I've been wondering what knife is that in your avatar. I know it's some form of busse but did it come from the custom shop or is it something that we mere mortals may one day be able to own.

SFNO that is. All this talk about INFI got me so excited that I had to go home and juggle the numbers until I managed to free up enough to purchase a fat SFNO from the company store. But that's absolutely it.... no more knives for me this year. On the other hand I could sell my car, my soul, my firstborn son etc....
