Just Got My First Busse... Whoa!

Jan 5, 2002
I just recieved my first Busse - a combat basic #9. I have held a couple Busses before but this thing is amazing. I have only done a few things like chopping small branches and stuff like that to test it out but it is incredible. I've never seen a knife cut so easily before! All I hafta do is think about it and the damn thing is cut. I can't believe how well it retains its edge either. After hours of testing it with various diffucult chores it is just as sharp as it was when it came out of the box. None of my other knives could come close to what this baby does. It ties my ATC NG Ranger hawk as my most prized posession. I never thought it possible. I'm almost in shock.

Hmmm... what's next? Satin Jack or Natural Outlaw?
That is a great Busse to start with. It was my first also, I often wish I would have kept that one. I ended up trading it after I got a BM, but the Basic 9 was my first real hard use blade.

Since you went with a 9 to start, I'd say get the SJ next. That way you have a Busse in both large and small ;):D
BlueFlintHawk, Congrats on your 1st Busse!!!:D I'd go
with the Satin Jack.
in a row for the Satin Jack............:D

Now take it out and show it you RREEAALLYYYY love it ;)
I'll be the fourth to say it, Satin Jack! You've got a heavy use knife with a big blade good for chopping. I think that the slimmer Satin Jack would compliment it well. Plus, for me, it is a great EDC.

Congrats on your Basic 9!!!
Congrats on your Satin Jack too:D

...we all know your gonna get one anyway:p
I will probably get a Satin Jack next. It looks great, its from BUSSE and it comes highly recommended ;)

The all Kydex Sheath on this basic #9 kicks some @$$ as well. I've never even seen such a strong, well built sheath from a production knife. The Best. This Basic #9 is from one of the earlier production runs, when it had an all Kydex sheath with leg straps. I don't feel like letting this knife go... probably end up sleeping with it like my NG Ranger :D

That can be dangerous though - how I nearly lost my... uh... well, let's not go there. :D
I hope...errr...know that it will serve it well. Oh, and I would also go with the SJ for a second Busse (don't forget that Busse is coming out with some new models pretty soon :) though).
Seems I have to be the odd one out :D I've never had a SJ, but I did own a NO. I was so happy with that I've just got to put in a vote for the NO as your next Busse :)
Thanks for all your opinions about the next Busse I should get. Satin Jack seems to have as many fans as The Beatles. Lately I've been chopping more branches with my #9 and it is still incredibly sharp. I'm still going through shock. The sheath is so large and sturdy it feels like I'm putting mountain climbing gear on!

I can't wait to take one of these babys with me into the Army (Rangers). Maybe I will be able to convert some lost souls.

Its just so hard to decide what to buy next: a Satin Jack, Natural Outlaw... ATC Vietnam Tactical, the T3... I don't know how long I will stay sane. Us poor folks have to save up and buy one thing at a time ;)

Thanks Again!!! Much appreciated.
You mean you are still thinking what to buy? I think a few people already said it, but I will say again, SATIN JACK;) :D
Congratulations!! :cool: As for saving up money, remember this, you can buy knives and guns, or just waste your money on food and rent.;)
No money spent on women right now guys... I'm poor and I'm sure I'll have my whole life to spend my money on a woman! First I have to build up a decent collection of arms.

Satin Jack will probably be my next knife... but then for me, there are 'hawks to think about. I swear if I were left deep in the woods with one tool, it would be my NG Ranger hawk. If 2, then I would definitely take my #9.

Oh yea, then there are guns. I have a decent rifle and a couple shot guns. I need MORE!!!!! All the while INFI is infecting my brain with lust for Busses. Pray for me guys - I'll pull through somehow ;) Satin Jack... here I come!
My BM-E and SH-E just arrived in the mail this morning.


I had no idea.

The Steel Heart seems like it was made especially for my hand.

Originally posted by BlueFlintHawk
All the while INFI is infecting my brain with lust for Busses. Pray for me guys - I'll pull through somehow ;) Satin Jack... here I come!

Ahh, but it is still in the preliminary stages. You are still thinking of things non-INFI. Once the INFIection spreads to the rest of your mind and body, the only thing you will see and think of is INFI. You still have time, but not much :D .
All kinds of new INFIaddicts here ;):D

Congrats on your new knives, now go out and cut down a tree or something. ;):D:D
New love is always so cute......:p

And then you get serious;)

Refinance your house, sell your kids, pimp the old lady,
"You become an INFI Junkie.........
It's a sad, sad....... No it's not sad, it becomes a sport:D

Yeah, that's it, The Busse Olympics...........