Just got my Kerambit from RDT !!!

Oct 3, 2002
I am still a newbie here at Bladeforums. I signed up a few months back and since then have been traveling. Back when I signed, I did some research on Karambit's as I really like the design and have used similar knife styles over the years. So, I went looking for a nice one because I see everyone seems to be making them. I found a knifemaker here Rich Derespina (forum name). I saw what he had made at tripleaughtdesign.com and really like the style. So I contacted him. He seemed pretty busy and the list was getting longer. I was willing to wait or atleast be put on the list of last minute bailer's. Well, I just got my Kerambit and I must say I am very, very pleased and impressed. I got a good working satin finish with nice bead blasted micarta scales that he textured with little divots everywhere. It is sharp and fast. The Kydex sheath is quick once you get the hang of it. I met him and he gave me a little demo on how to draw the knife properly being that it's so curved. He even cut me a break being that I am a little more broke than usual after xmas. Very nice guy and a very good knifemaker. I don't have a camera so I can't post a pic but there's a pic at Triple aught of the model 2 that looks almost exactly like mine. Seems RDT makes them all a little bit different so they are more special or something ? Thanks for checking it out and thanks RDT for the great deal !

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Thanks Mills ! it was fine meeting you too. Thank you for the kerambit appreciation as well. When you get back give me a shout and we'll hang. Yours looked like this only with smaller 1/8" fasteners. Take care.....RDT
Very nice RDT.., your Kerambits are getting better and better!

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
Fastjack, ya know...I have been debating making a Kerambit folder but everyone is doing them and I didn't wanna look as though I was jumping on the bandwagon. However, I do think that it's a design that would look great and perform well as a folder. I am still on the fence about that one. First Ryan then Duncan then Emerson, now Weiland. All great guys who make great knives but still haven't decided whether or not to try it out ? If yer serious gimme a hollar via email and we'll talk about it some. Thanks bro, take care......RDT
I have two kerambits done by RDT and I can say that the design and fit/finish are great. Keep up the good work.
Jason, thanks bro. I was wondering if ya got the Kerambit yet ? Thanks so much keep that puuppy well. Take care.....RDT

BTW, CPDARNOLD is an excellent sport !, he waited very patiently & way too long for his knife and never complaind. He's a gentleman !
I just got my second RDT kerambit in the mail yesterday and I am just blown away. It's the model with a barong style blade and it kicks a$$. I think Rich has a long future ahead of him in the custom knife world.
Thanks Lewis !, Lew has also been an excellent sport. Being very patient and cool. I made some folks wait way too long due to circumstance's out of my control and an increasing list of customers. He's a gentleman as well and I thank all those who stuck around in wait for my knives. I am indebtd to you. Thanks, take care......RDT