Just saw a news item good for a chuckle -- radiation tests.

Mar 5, 1999
Saw a news note this AM that said more or less, "all imcoming travellers to the US will now be checked for radiation" -- I wonder what the thousands of illegal entries from Mexico are going to think about this? I'll bet they file an infringement of privacy suit.

Our southern border security is a joke. Anybody, terrorists included, can walk across that border just about any evening they want and disappear. If the US wants any semblance of real security that Mexican-US border is going to have to be sealed up. I lived in Alpine, CA for several years near the border and the mountains around reminded me a little of Nepal due to the many number of trekkers to be seen everyday -- only difference they were all Mexican illegals and you don't see many of those in Nepal.

I had a pal in CA who employed an illegal Mexican fellow as a farm hand. One afternoon about 3PM the INS showed up, arrested the man, put him on a bus and carted him back to TiJuana. Next day at 7AM he showed up for work as usual. That tells the story about as well as anything.

Hey I guess this is just as bad as when they said to have plastic bags and tape ready just in case of a bio or chem attack.

I live only a few miles from the border. Looking at the lights of TJ, you wonder how many people are crossing tonight, and where they're really from.
For several years I lived up above Alpine, Don, and the hills up there were full of "trekkers". Camp fires were a hazard. Litter a pain. Some theft a problem. Every now and then a couple of them would freeze to death out around Campos. It's a problem we don't seem willing to address.
Rant on......
Four Mexican men knocked on my porch the other night so I strapped on the Hi-Power and went out to see what they wanted. They were very polite and In my not so good Spanish I gathered from them that they wanted to make a telephone call.

I let them use my cellphone and they made a call to Eloy, AZ which is about 40 miles north of me, I live just north of Tucson.

It turns out that one of them had an uncle in Eloy and he wanted him to come down and pick them up, I guess they felt that an 80 mile hike was far enough for them.

The last I saw of them they were walking off into the desert heading north.

I called the Border Patrol and they as much as said that there was nothing they could do at that point. I even gave them the phone number that was called from my cellphone.

The point of this story is the inability of our Gov't to protect our borders and the likelyhood that they don't even want to.

It is true, the border is wide open and it's time for the citizens border patrols to be accepted and encouraged.

Rant Off.......
What does Airport Security really need with every bodies credit history. Sounds just a bit unconstitutional to me. They can't do the job they are supposed to now and, they want to throw more records in the game to keep track of.

Seems like they have gone from security to storm troopers. Kind of like the ATF and FBI. Too bad they can't do the job they are supposed to do and forget all the extra crap. Especially killing bunches of folks. Makes you wonder which are the terrorists.
Originally posted by Bill Martino
Camp fires were a hazard. Litter a pain. Some theft a problem. Every now and then a couple of them would freeze to death out around Campos. It's a problem we don't seem willing to address.

That's true, recently this summer there were a growing number of dehydration and other heat related deaths. Not to mention highway fatalities and one single case of one man getting shot for shooting at an officer.
If the US "REALLY" wanted to seal off the border it would have been done decades ago.

The interesting thing is that Latinos have now out numbered Africian Americans in the US.
There are numerous political agendas that keep this area pretty much open, and the border patrol relatively understaffed and in some cases, out gunned. But I think we all know that.
Originally posted by Don Rac
There are numerous political agendas that keep this area pretty much open, and the border patrol relatively understaffed and in some cases, out gunned. But I think we all know that.

Yeah most of us do..:rolleyes:

It's interesting how they talk about security but the border is wide open and has been for decades.:rolleyes:

I don't even know why there is a Border Patrol or INS if they really aren't going to do their jobs. Seems more like a joke to me.:mad:

And our tax money is going to pay for all of it. At least they could do is give us our moneys worth.
It seems like here in Texas that the Border patrol has to put on a show every so often to justify their existance and the rest of the time the border is wide open. They catch the same peiople over and over again. :)
Just to Add:

It just goes to show how corrupt our Federal Government really is.

Seems alot of people up there in Washington DC are getting fat off that border being open.

So I guess money in their pockets is more important than the safty of the American people.
There was some talk a few years ago of the US Army patroling the border but you see how far that went..:rolleyes:



Because the ones who are getting rich off the illegals stopped it...:mad:
Hell, they even put watering stations with light beacons for them to find their way...................................................
There's also lots of people who go out daily and leave water, blankets, and food...
What I notice about the illegals in Reno is they broke US law to get into the country and don't seem to mind keeping on breaking it. I'm not sure if it's the same everywhere but I'd guess that there is a correlation.

If we need this labor there's a right way and a wrong way to get it and having an open border is the wrong way -- especially if you're trying to keep terrorists out of the country.

I think it's just another example of how really nutty the government can be when they mean yes but try to say no.