Ka-Bar 1211 vs. Becker BK7

Owned both, and both are fine pieces especially considering the price range but if I had to choose only one, it would be the Becker as that handle is just so comfortable especially if you spend any time chopping with it. You won't go wrong with either.
Here’s how I see the advantages of the 1211 Kabar and the BK7:


+ Lighter weight (both knife and sheath).

+ Leather sheath is much quieter than the BK7’s.

+ Has more effective guard.

+ Grooved Kraton grip is more secure (less slippery) than the Becker's GV6H.

+ The Kabar is priced slightly lower than the BK7.


+ More useful point and blade grind IMO.

+ Overall Better sheath with pocket (knife tends to rattle in sheath, but this can be fixed by form fitting the Kydex liner).

+ Scales are removable, for cleaning or customizing.

+ Full tang - much stronger than Kabar’s rattail tang.

+ 0170-6C steel - holds an edge better than the Kabar’s 1095 steel.

+ Beckers seem to come sharper out of the box than Kabars.

What may well set the two apart is how they feel in your hand. I prefer the handling qualities of the BK7 to those of the Kabar’s myself, but this is something you’ll have to decide for yourself.

Thanks for the info. My Becker is in the mail, it should be here tomorrow or Thursday.