Ka-bar 1228?

Aug 11, 2011
Hello guys, I bought a Ka-bar 1218, and on the box it is written "1218". But in the box, on the paper sheath, it is written "1228"!
I searched on internet, there isn't such a model. So, is my knife a knockoff? Why it's 1228? Who knows that? Thx!
Must've just been a typo. It happens. Congrats on the knew blade, enjoy it, and welcome to bladeforums.
I got two KA-BAR 1218 in different times this year, and they all printed "1228" on the paper sheath, so I can see why.

Thank you all the same!
I get those all the time, its just a paper blade cover is all. More than likely a misprint.

The 1228 was a Classic series bird and trout knife.
