Ka-Bar D2 Extreme combat knife

Feb 26, 2003
This is my first post. Great site. I would like to get some idea of what people think about the Ka-Bar D2 knife. Things like Quality, hardness, ability to keep an edge, if anyone in the military uses one.
Also what is the best sharpner to carry for knives like the KaBar?
I have been told that a diamond steel is the best. I would like some recommendations, places to buy ect.
I don't own the Ka-Bar D2 blade you're talking about (yet!) but I'm a big fan of D2 and in my experience it's a great combination of edge holding and toughness. It may not be considered "stainless" but being just 1% shy in the chromium department it's pretty darn close. I use a Spyderco Tri-Angle Sharpmaker to sharpen most of my knives and it gets them shaving sharp pretty quick. Unless you've got a blade made of s60v or some other really wear resistent blade I don't think a diamond hone is neccessary (maybe if you're redoing the bevel or something). Post a review of the knife when you get it for those of us (like me) who are considering picking up a fixed blade field\camp knife in the near future.
Thats a great little FYI.What type of sharpener does one carry when they are in the field? I too use a Tri-angle system and it does a great job. I was told that the diamond hone similar to what chefs use in the kitchen was the best one to use.

I don't own a D2 but I do have a Ka-bar next generation and it's my favorite! (large fixed blade).

The handle is great, the edge geometry, while being a bit thinner than most other "tactical" knives cuts and slices very well and is easy to resharpen (of course different steel will affect that). It's well balanced for a variety of tasks, from detail cutting to light chopping.

I think D2 is a bit more rust prone than the 440A stainless of the next generation, but D2 is more corrosion resistant than say, 1095. Everything I've seen about D2 says it's a great material for knives, good edge retention and toughness.

I'd say go for it.


PS I carry a small diamond stone for field sharpening.
The two Kabar D2 Extemes that I own are not fixed blades. They are folders!!

Whoops! You're right! :footinmou
I guess I should the question more carefully next time. Ka-Bar makes both fixed AND folding D2 extreme combat knives.

Pathfinder, which one did you have in mind? (Afraid I can't be of much help on the folders - other than to say the look cool! )
