Ka-Bushcraft!! Leather MKI Contest


Custom Antlers, Factory Knives...
Jul 14, 2010
Howdy, I loves me some knives, and loves me some bushcraft. Kabar seems to have thrown the cabre clear outta the yard with these, figured ya'll might want a chance to win one. These are not really a new thought, but they are a newer design. These came at the request of a major distibutor, and they have the exclusive rights to these. But, ya'll can get one, without having to even pay for it. Wanna play? Ok, lets play. :D

The Old Version


The New and The Prizes




Pretty simple contest, not much too it really.

Show me your best bushcraft skill.

Whether it be fire, shelter, carving, water filters, it doesn't matter, but you have to use a knife. Any knife will do, big or small, custom or production, Kabar, not Kabar. Just use a knife and show me your best bushcraft skill. If its one you want to try, or one you have done coutless times and do well, go for it.

You will need to post at least 6 pictures, and no more than 12. Feel free to make a video, just keep it under 10minutes.

To enter, post "I'm In" in this thread, then edit your post to become your entry.

Must be 18 and can legally own a knife, you are responsible for your actions and yourself, not Kabar, Me or Bladeforums. Don't break it if you can't buy it.

No chatting in this thread.

Best skill wins, and if there is a tie, well, then you both get one. Leather handle, leather sheath, and these are just now hitting the market, so, you might be able to win it, before others can buy it. :D

You have until September the 12th, midnight.

Lets show off those skills. :D

So, I had plans for much more elaborate things, but the plans continuously fell apart. I was going to go camping this weekend, and get to do something more fun. We ended up baby sitting our neighbors 8 month old child for almost 24 hours (yep, pretty sure I'm not ready for kids yet). I was then going to make a bow drill, because they are fun. Then it rained all morning and my Homework is taking longer than normal, so I defaulted to something easier, and closer to my apartment.

I'm making a Figure 4 trap with just my BK2. I've made a single figure 4 trap in my lifetime, and since that was 10 years ago, I thought I'd give it a go to try and see if I could remember how do build the dang thing. I built a test one with my mora, and then went for a slightly larger version with my BK2 when I had it all figured out again.

Here is where we started. Big stick, BK2, and my jeep.

I cut the first piece, using my landlords railing for a backstop :).

Fast forwarding a bit (because I forgot to take more photos in the midst of things), here are all of the pieces after they have been roughed out.

After some fine tuning for better fit, here is a picture of the cross piece fitting into the vertical piece.

Same thing for the rear of the horizontal cross piece being held by the angled piece.

And finally on the top of the vertical piece.

And finally, the finished product! It actually took a pretty decent amount of time to get it to lock up consistently and be stable. I was surprised. The traps are either harder than I remembered to build, or I'm way less skilled than I thought. I'm preferring to think the former, but I'm pretty sure its the latter.

Now... this last photo is probably the best photo ever. Keep in mind that I was doing this at my apartment, and I had to use whatever I could find handy. The only thing I could think of when I saw this come together in my mind was...







WHen my wife walked out and saw this, and actually thought that I was trying to trap something...

*Disclaimer, I am not from barlow, nor do I campaign for Wayne Whittaker in any way. What you are actually seeing is the back of my landlords house, who must have been a resident of barlow at some point.

Thats it, I'm really glad to have the chance, and to have been able to successfully remembered (kinda) a skill that I didn't know if I had any more.

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I'm in.

I know it's not much, but I like to fish, and when I do I always take a Becker. :D




Thanks for the contest Moose!! :thumbup:
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I'm out! Good luck to those that are able to do this!
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I thought i would take the one stick fire a little further, and use one stick to make all the components for my bow drill and use the remaining wood for fuel, I even used the shavings for my birds nest.
I really enjoyed doing this, awesome challenge:D

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Here's my submission for the challenge. Hope you enjoy it. I look forward to seeing everyone else's pics and vids.
Thanks :)

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Cut down a spruce branch with my huntsman

used my mora to carv off the bark

continue carving until desired shape is reached, I carved a spool at one end and a notch at the other.

attach fishing line, slipshot, clasp around the spool and put some lures, hooks, ect. in a tic tac box.

slide tic tac box into notch at the end of the handle and out a ranger band around it

you now have a hobo fishing hand reel and tacklebox
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How about making a whistle for signaling from a found beer can. They are super loud!!!










Also just so you know cutting up beer cans is a quick way to dull a knife so if you do this you should have a stone ready.
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Here's my entry. The L7 snare. I choose this one because its the first bushcraft orientated thing my dad taught me and its proven useful over the years.

First I start out by choosing my piece of wood. A good straight piece without many knots.

Cut out two pieces. One about 10 inches long the other about 3 inches.

Sharpen the end of the longer piece and cut a notch out in it, the "7" piece.

Cut out the "L" notch on the shorter piece and add a groove.(note the blood lol)

Make a simple snare and attach it to the "L" pieces groove, then tie the string around it. Gonna attach he string to a sapling.

Choose a springy sapling preferably on a small game trail, tie your "L" piece to it. Drive your "7" piece into the ground. Normally I would drive it further into the ground than this but it just wasnt possible today at this particular spot.

Here is a closeup of the L7 part with the snare loop set.

This trap obviously takes more time and materials than setting up a simple snare, but it is fun and is good practice for carving.
Here is a bow drill friction fire, made with materials found on site, gave it a go and made it work, took a couple tries but "I got her did".

I found a willow branch under a black willow tree. I remembered the Jedis saying willow was a good wood to use.

My BK2 with a J Williams sheath, the other knife is a ML knife.

This is my small 13 Wetterlings hatchet.

I mostly used the hatchet to plane the biggest part of the limb to make the hearth board. Worked very well. The ML knife is pointing at my starting divot. And yes that spindle is about 1 3/4 of an inch thick. Seemed a little overkill but it sure did work well.

I burnt in my divot.

I cut my notch with my fixed blade by sorta batoning your knife to make the notch, instead of using a saw. This is a quicker and easier way.

I went for a while, had smoke and lots of dust. My divot was to close to the side, or spindle was to thick and it burnt towards the edge.

Here is a close up of how I lost my cone due to for the size of the spindle and being to close to the edge.

I cut another divot, farther from the edge, burned in, cut the groove. This time I used more speed and less pressure and have a coal now. The pic does not show it very well, but there is a small stream of smoke.

Another shot you can kinda see the smoke in this one.

You can see the smoke here with the jute twine.

I blew and blew and would not take, I remembered how a humid breath can kill a weak coal. It really didn't take untill I started fanning it. For it being humid my breath just didn't want to work. Then fanning it made it ignite.

Thanks ALOT for the chance at one of those sweet Kabars,

Thanks for reading,


Gonna be wrapping this one up soon.

Ok, there are two skills I do practice alot, and they are, in my opinion, the two most important skills to have in the woods.

Shelter and Fire.

Everyone done a great job, and ya'll sure do have some skills.

One stick bowdrills are my signature skill, I do them all the time. BBM, email me with your address, and please put MKI Contest in the title.

Shelters are essential, and require much energy to do right. Stabby, send me an email with your address and please put MKI contest in the title.

Everyone else, great work, if I had enough knives, I send you all one. These are some great skills and a few, I'm gonna add to my cache.
