KaBar Becker 1095 Cro-Van vs 1095 steel what is the difference?

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You sir, are my hero. I hope you can live with giving me an aneurism.

I know, that sumbitch is hilarious. :D I literally
when I first saw it. And again tonight.
I must have missed it the first time around. I thought Kay was going to pee when I showed it to her. I was doing the bloodsplatter cackle.
If I were to order steel from Jantz, I could choose between:

1095: "Typical chemistry C .90/1.04, Mn .60/.90"
O1: "Typical chemistry C .95, Mn 1.20, Si .30, CR .50, Va.20, Mo .50."

Kabar's 1095 Cro-Van is AISI 1095 (see above) plus chromium (CR), Vanadium (Va), and a little Molybdenum (Mo), and Nickle (Ni - not seen above)

It has always seemed to me that Kabar's steel is more or less a non-AISI variant of O1. Perhaps the Sharon steel formula was developed before the AISI designations were standardized? Perhaps they can simply order it in quantity with this formula without an expensive formula certification?
In either case, O1 typically has better wear resistance (and a touch more stain resistance) than straight 1095. It requires a somewhat more rigorous heat-treat than 1095 due to the additional elements in the alloy, and we know kabar does this quite well. I would expect Kabar's steel to perform on par with O1 as a blade steel, and would generally perfer both of those steels over bare 1095.

Another interesting point of comparison is Aldo's 1084, well known on the maker's side of the house.
It's nominal carbon content is lower than 1095 (barely), but it too has some extra alloying elements not found in straight 1095. It is *superb* blade steel and a cinch to heat-treat:


So the numerical designations are really just the opening paragraph to the real story.

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled dain bramage.

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That's really nice Nick. Having a handy place for your banana is important.
Yeah it is cool, but is it MOLLE compatible?
Easy access to fight potassium deficiency is important.
To the OP, I don't know if we're right at what you're playing at or not, but if I might make a suggestion, posting tons of worthless threads or questions that could be easily answered by a simple google search will just annoy people.


As far as BH numbers go, Moose actually looks at the posts to see how substantial they are. It's not just a numbers game.
We want people to participate in ways that have some substance, and while we're all guilty of posting fluff replies, most folks do take seriously the starting of a new thread.
If it's just a quick question, a sidenote, a rant, etc., we have a Beckerhead Chat thread that was intended for just such material.
The original post here would have worked fine in the Chat thread and would have still gotten a serious response.

In other words, we'd prefer a new thread to offer up something of value. A mod you've done, a skill you've practiced, a challenge you're issuing (even if it involves breakfast food).
It doesn't have to be all confined and serious, but we do frown on lots of threads that might be better served by a PM, a chat post, or a forum/Google search
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