Kabar Dozier

Dec 19, 2004
My Kabar Dozier says Taiwan 4056. What kind of steel is it? Usually my knives have the steel type stamped on.
That series is in AUS-8.
I can't find a 4056...could it be a 4066 spear blade folder?

Instead of the Dozier...Get a Byrd Meadowlark for $16 and use the leftover money for a beer. I'm sure the blade of the Dozier is good but the handle seems flimsy and not up to par with the Byrd line or Benchmade's red class.
The Doziers are great, I have both the clip and spear points.


They are one of the best "bang for the buck" knives out there.

A buddy bought one of the spearpoints in an on base store as he was going back for a second tour in Iraq, used it for a "beater" and it came back looking like crap, but still solid as a rock.
I've got three - two with the hole and the drop point/thumbstud one. Only one gets used, but it's had the tar beat out of it and no arguments from me on what a good buy they are:D I bought the other ones as backup, but I haven't got there yet:)

- gord
I wish I had gotten the thumb stud..it's really hard to open. I think it's a great knife for $18... I just think the Byrd meadowlark is a better value.