kalamazoo 1sm

Mar 5, 2005
what do you guys think of this grinder for basic sharpening and reprofiling? i am getting pretty tired of sharpening my knives manually even with the edge pro "i cant seem to get knife razor sharp". I was thinking that this would be great especially since it has a low belt speed "1750 rpm", do you guys know what kinds of grinds that i would be able to accomplish and if the platen is removable? thanks
I think you're asking about a little inexpensive grinder for sharpening so I'll move this thread to the Toolshed. If you ask in Shop Talk where the knifemakers hang out they'll tell you about thousand-dollar grinders for knifemaking, but I don't think that's what you want....

Not to disagree with superduper but I think you'd have better luck in shoptalk forum.
If you are steady enough to use a belt grinder, then you are steady enough to use a file. Files are a lot cheaper! Unless you do a lot of sharpening any belt sander will be prohibitively expensive. Of course, they can be used for other stuff, too.
A belt grinder without a cushioned wheel (or platen) grinds almost as "hard" as a stone wheel.
Use files to set your bevel, and diamond files to smooth the bevel, then sharpen.
If you really want a belt grinder, the cheapest one I can recommend is the Grizzly Industrial "Knife Grinder," a 2 X 72 with platen and cushioned wheel. There are inexpensive 1 X 30 belt sanders that will work OK if you use a 400 grit belt.
In reading your post, a more basic question came to mind.... why can't you get a knife sharp? If it's technique, purchasing a grinder may not help... if it's just that you're trying to remove a lot of metal, then yes it would help.

The 1sm would more than do the job... but if all you're after is some basic reprofiling and sharpening, there are a couple of alternatives.

Many users have great success with the Harbor Freight grinder http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=2485 although it runs at a faster speed it does a good job, and can be used without ruining the temper. Plus it doesn't take a lot of space. It's what I started with and does a great job.

Another alternative is the grinder from Lee Valley http://www.leevalley.com/wood/page.aspx?c=2&p=44884&cat=1,43072 although with this one you'd have to purchase a motor. With a 1725 motor it actually runs about 1450 rpm. Still a cheaper alternative. It's what I currently use, and I really like it.

On the other hand, if you're looking to 'expand your horizons', and perhaps get into kit knives or knife making... the 1sm would be a good investement. I don't own one personally, but researched them a while back, and the majority of information I found was positive.

i was hesitent in getting anything over 1750 because i was afraid that i may burn the blade, if i were to use anything above 300 grit to sharpen my knives would that be o.k. even with a faster r.p.m. belt? thanks