Karambali...The T1 !!!


Gold Member
Nov 2, 1998
Just thought I'd show off this bali designed by our own Nybble (Felix Sheng) and produced by Allen Elishewitz

I like a lot of balisongs, but this is different. This is the knife I'll carry to the next knife show! :) Allen makes technically perfect knives, the perfect foil for this incredible idea by Felix. Beside this knife, show me the last truly original balisong...

Felix, my hat is off to you. I believe it was Brillat-Savarin who said: "an original idea is like a new star...so rare to find!"

Allen, dammit, you oughta be making more balisongs!


I've never seen anything like it!

I'm not much of a Balisong guy, nor am I much of a Kerambit guy, but I love to see new ideas like this. It's awesome! Well done guys!
I got a chance to handle that at the NY show..it's just as cool (if not, cooler!) in person! Great job Nybble!

Hey, thanks a lot everyone. I am quite proud of this design and even more proud of the unbelievable job Allen did in putting this project together. It was a long time in the design stage, figuring out the geometry of it all, but it turned out better than I could have hoped. Thanks again for the kind words!