Karambit Folder/EDC

Jan 17, 2003
Hi all,
I've gone and got myself interested in a Karambit folder. Does anyone own one? Worth the money and a possible divorce? I would like it as an EDC.By the by, how do all of you knife guys use all your knives as EDC's. I carry a couple for sure. But, it is like I want to carry more!!! You know what is funny, I don't use the ones I carry often, afraid I'll ruin them. Is this common or a sickness?:D Please let me know your answers to both questions.
Prof. Ed:) :) :rolleyes:
I am a restrained(by my wife)collector and I don't own any knife over $100. Nonetheless I still think I have a nice collection and will carry one of them every day (I ask my wife "what knife goes with this outfit?")However around the house, the knife I use the most is an old Ipmerial Electrician Knife,all scratched up with no scales. I think it is a sickness. as for carrying more than one knife, whenever I do I feel kind of like a psycho. Sometimes for fun and to piss wife off I'll do the Leatherman/maglite, cell-phone, Palm pilot, and EDC all on the belt.
Last time I carried all my stuff on my belt, my pants kept falling down. So, I got a Colonel Littleton small haversack to carry my stuff and my friends gave me the business about a purse. Sick or not, I need to find the perfect pack, and carry my stuff!:eek:
I almost forgot,
as for a Folding Karambit there are several nice designs by Liong Mah, I especially like the Folding Eroder collaboration with Brad Duncan. In any case What I've noticed with hooked blades is that if it too concave,used for EDC, blade will develop dull spots.

try WWW.ancientsoulknives.com
Prof Ed,
I never realized you were from StL. Give me an email some time.
I'll second the nomination for Liong Mah's designs (ancient soul knives)...I have a Rogue on order and I can hardly wait to get it!

Aside from that, Steve Ryan offers a few folding kerambits (if you're willing to pay US$1,200 or so :) ) and so does Warren Thomas...of course, there's always the Emerson kerambit

Here are a few pics to get your juices flowing...

Liong Mah/Jeff Hall Rogue


Liong Mah/Rick Hinderer Hinderer


Liong Mah/Brad Duncan Eroder (pic from TAD)


Steve Ryan


Warren Thomas


Emerson (limited edition titanium blade...pic from Bladeart)


Now, you look at those pics and tell me if it's worth a divorce :D

Geez,a divorce! Let's see.....? You build a difficult case. Thanks for the other choices. Are you saying that the Karambit that is advertised in "TK" is not up to snuff?
When I did research on the kerambit, I learned that they are an old Javanese design, and well respected. I have read that their cutting geometry stems from the arc of a tiger's tooth.

That being said, I had a Microtech Kestral. Before I shoot off my mouth, I like to give ideas a road test. I do not have a need, nor am I a member of a MA discipline which makes this design of personal use.

I have also learned to respect Ernie's ideas. Mick also has a design out there. To be fair, I think I should re-evaluate this design; cosmetically, many are beautiful.

As you guys actually use this technology, keep us all informed.
I am also getting interested in karambits. If I get one it will probably be the new Tarani design.
