Karda usage and subsistance hunting in Nepal

Dec 15, 2000
Hello and thanks to Will, Apothecary, Rdnzl, Uncle Bill! Do you know if there is much subsistance hunting going on in Nepal and if so what type of firearm is commonly used?
Also anyone know how much and what for is the Karda used in Nepal?
Please thank Sanu for me, his work is excellent!
I am not sure about the hunting situation today because of the Mao controlled areas but when I lived in Nepal hunting was alive and well -- so much so that some animals got very scarce. Shotguns with various loads and slugs were the choice of hunters. Everything from birds to bear were fair game.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
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That black bear has ears like a Teddy Bear.

Bears are one of my favorite animals. The Cherokee call them by Yonv pronounced Yo Nuh.

In one article in the old Fighting Knives magazine that Ray sent me,Thanks again Ray! the man that wrote the article talked about chokeing up on the blade of a khukuri and using it to skin a deer with. Not something one would want to do with a 20" AK unless you are a Yeti.

The little CBCK would be a nice one for that however, or a kagas katne with a longer handle like Dan K wants.

I imagine the khukuri itself was used for a lot of the skinning chores even on small animals with the karda coming into play to get the delicate areas if the skin was to be saved. And knowing how the Nepali people are they probably didn't waste anything.
But Uncle Bill can probably tell us if he sees the question.;>)


Each person's work is always a portrait of himself.

---- Samuel Butler.

Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Website

[This message has been edited by Yvsa (edited 12-18-2000).]
I've used my "Beloved Pet" villager to gut, skin and butcher several beasties. Just used a pocket knife to make the pelvic cuts. I debone all my meat too.
Straining at the leash until the Deluxe Villagers show up!
Hey Yvsa and Uncle,

I bet the UBE would make a nice "skinner" and the YCS would make a nice knife for the initial gutting cut? whatdaya think?

Rob the YCS with her little tools will do the whole job with no sweat!!

Check back on the post I made about "The YCS and her tool's" that describes the size of everything in the YCS rig.
The handles on the two kardas are made to be held with the thumb and first three fingers with the pinky finger behind the butt so your hand won't slip forward on penetrateing cuts. The curves and recurves are just about perfect for skinning and cutting up meat.

And since the whole rig is so light it is easy to carry imo.


Each person's work is always a portrait of himself.

---- Samuel Butler.

Khukuri FAQ
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