katana / tarwar frogs

Sep 3, 2002
I got my everest katana two moths ago and wondered how to carry it as the frog had a belt loop that was parallel to the blade direction. Of course it works to carry a sword that way but it is not very practical. The question what to do to change the frogs came up two or three times in this forum since then.
I built two new frogs for the katana (for pictures see the link below) but would be glad if I could read (better see pics) what all the other guys here do with their "parallel frogs". Especially people like silvrfalcn, who wear their tarwar for reenactment or Brendan who wanted to build a new frog will have found better solutions than I did.


Frog 1 solo

Frog 1 + scabbard

Frog 2 solo

Frog 2 + scabbard
I have a Frog that I made that is similar to Frog 1, but the straps have buckles to allow for adjustments to the angle of the scabbard. I found that it does the job quite well. It was for a 43" hand-and-a-half sword that needed the angle just to clear the ground (and to keep it from slapping my leg) when walking.
