keep a '1 of 500' CUDA EDC?

Nov 23, 2000
Greetings all,

I just recieved my Camillus EDC in 154 steel.

Sweet little knife. My question is this.

I noticed it's marked '1 of 500' D Ralph. Kind of neat, but does this mean it might have collector value down the road? I would like to use it as an EDC, but won't if you think it should be kept "boxed".

thanks in advance,

I may be wrong about this, but I think that it means that your knife is one example of a 500 knife run; but not that it is the first of that run.

Again, this is my guess - I'm pretty sure that the 1st knives have been snatched up.

Anyone with better information please confirm this or dispute it.
Sounds like the "1 of 300" Blue Natives. I was all, "I got Number 1 I got Number 1!!!"

But, then again...Maybe you DID get #1. ;)

Originally posted by mgeoffriau
I may be wrong about this, but I think that it means that your knife is one example of a 500 knife run; but not that it is the first of that run.

I know it can be misleading but when you think of it, what mgeoffriau said makes sense. It's not really the first one made out of 500, but one of run of 500.
But, the question was should you use it or leave it NIB as a collector piece? I have a plain steel version of the EDC and the Anniversary Editon. I love my Plain one and use it for EDC (what a concept). If you bought it as a user for EDC it would be a shame not to and just enjoy it. I have no idea what the potential increase in value this knife will have over time, but my guess is that it won't be equal to the pleasure of using this knife over that time.
Use it. It's a great using knife. A production knife of that price range will not, IMHO, gain future value. But as a user, it is a winner.

Maybe consider picking up the new aniversary model if you want to pick up one to "admire" but not use.

Just my opinion.:)
Thanks all!

I've touched up the blade, and will make it my EDC, until some other toy grabs my eye... ;-)
