Kerambit? Everyone's gone ga-ga over them, huh?


Mar 8, 1999
Over on the Usual Suspect forum, Emerson has come out with a folding kerambit. Some of the makers there are working with titanium to make lightweight and neck carryable versions.

Now Cecil over at Kris Cutlery has been making traditional versions for years, and good stuff too. Do these guys want the real thing made for generations to work with the body's own reflexes? Do they come over here for real khuks instead of CS and Ontario or even Becker? Nooooooo.

They have to have the newest flashiest Nike $300 sneakers. The biggest chonometer watches like the SEALS wear. The smallest flashlights, the hippest sunglasses, and drive the Corvettes. They've got to be the coolest* (* look it up in your Funk and Wagnal's if you're too young remember the meaning )!!!

So there I am looking for something besides my Sikes-Fairbairn to sharpen ( it goes dull overnite in the sheathe )when my eye strikes one of the 8" Sanu's with it's 3" handle and 5 inch blade. Next is a 9" made like the CBKC, then a Sanu's hasiya, and finally Audrey, my 12" Sirupati. Maxi Kerambit substitutes I wondered, so I picked them up and turned them upside down and I have now seen the the light!

The 8" and 9" Baby Khuks feel soo goood in an icepick edge forward grip. The 12" Sirupati doesn't like being held that way. But the Hasiya - held that way in the off or weak hand and a khuk or better yet a 14 shot CZ83 in the dominant hand, can only be beat by carrying a second 14 shot CZ83.I'm going to have to get a sheath for the Hasiya.

( Did I mention I'm considering naming my hasiya "Countess Bathory" ? )
Dear friend Rusty,

Surely there's room for all of us here on the forums? I like the new stuff. I LOVE the traditional stuff. :)

I love it here at the Cantina. Having been here only a short time everyone has welcomed me and I feel as though I belong. We take care of each other. It's a similar situation in some of the other forums.

People like what they like. I've never been bashed anywhere else for liking Khukuris.:(

If other people haven't been infected with HIKV, it's not their fault. Probable a defective gene or something.:D

With much respect,

Steve Ferguson

PS. I'd like to here more about the Hasiya. My Biltan Khukuri works well as a kerambit too. Will check out Kris's stuff. Have a Sundang from there that's great.

Thanks, Steve
You know, its real funny as the Kerambit originated in this part of the world but I've not even seen one outside of museums...

Interesting blade with a lot of tradition and folklore around it though.

Andrew Lim

Ahh, but can you spin the little K's around on your little finger? :)
It is very important to be able to do that in order to hypnotize your opponent. :D

Wonder why are troops aren't outfitted with these Kermits? :confused:

(Any reference to a frog (not to be confused with Walosi :)) is purely intentional.) :D
Originally posted by Rusty
Over on the Usual Suspect forum, Emerson has come out with a folding kerambit. Some of the makers there are working with titanium to make lightweight and neck carryable versions.

Now Cecil over at Kris Cutlery has been making traditional versions for years, and good stuff too. Do these guys want the real thing made for generations to work with the body's own reflexes? Do they come over here for real khuks instead of CS and Ontario or even Becker? Nooooooo.


HI Kerambit! That should be the next HI project! Hey Pen, when are u getting onto the Hanshee-shaped 12" Siru/Kerambit a couple of us asked 'bout? :D;):D
Guy I know from your area,says illegal to carry! Thought it was funny,orig. in your area,now you can't have them!Ck. your spec.ops. people,saw where special unit carried a kerambit as a backup! I have one,Ernie Emerson showed me the folding model at the guild ,let me play with it & asked what I thought!I hate to agree with Rus"ABOUT ANYTHING"!!
jim(Saint) :cool:
Ferguson: I had no intentions of bashing people over on USN, more like tweaking their noses. They are at least as fervent as HI forumites.

And take a look at how older forumites treat each other with love but never let an opportunity for a good zinger pass.

It remind me of what happened to my cousin at a family reunion some 15/20 years back: "I'm not getting any respect over here, I'm going over and sit by ( about 80 year old ) Aunt Clara." She promptly replied "What makes you think you'll get any over here?"

It's the old thing that there's nothing new under the sun with blades. So now a lot of the old shapes are being tried in folding format or as neck knives. ( personally I like Eric Blair's Hemogoblin with large notch for trapping large blood vessels ).

I've become a traditionalist I suppose from how the HI hand forged khuks come alive in your hands. The new imitation khuks do ok but they just don't measure up.

Thus it makes me wonder how the old fashioned kerambits compare to the cutting edge of handmade customs. Though the little khuks and hasiyas seem to do fine in that role, I just felt like bringing the subject up. I don't know if it was Mohd or more probably Golok that said the kerambit's natural target was the opponent's neck. So in a different sense it truly is a neck ( slashing ) knife.

I just couldn't help but do a little funning at the ( high ) techies vs. the traditionalists over here.

Hey, I post before I go to sleep, and wake up and find 8 responses and a new kerambit design thread going.

Anyway, if any of you were offended by my chacterizations of the techies:

come out and fight like the duck!!!

( and with the same humor, please. )
Originally posted by Rusty
It remind me of what happened to my cousin at a family reunion some 15/20 years back: "I'm not getting any respect over here, I'm going over and sit by ( about 80 year old ) Aunt Clara." She promptly replied "What makes you think you'll get any over here?"

I love it!:D

yeah, they want a knife that is jewelery. I bet that this forum, more than any other (well, the lo-tek guys are into REAL knives sometimes) houses many who would say function comes before form.

Originally posted by Ferrous Wheel
yeah, they want a knife that is jewelery. I bet that this forum, more than any other (well, the lo-tek guys are into REAL knives sometimes) houses many who would say function comes before form.


I'm kinda partial to blades whose form was bred by function. Hence my lack of space-age folders.
Did I ever say I was consistent about anything ( other than always telling the truth, most of the time so it sounds like a whopper or tall tale )?

Sitting on my compter table in my toybox are as follows:

(2) Kershaw 4" 1416 Talons unused and hair poppin' sharp ( I occasionally drop them into the right and left pockets of my jacket to give me time to grab my real CCW's ) *

(1) SOGwinder II 3&3/4"( spearpoint version of the Tomcat - I also have a Tomcat I carried till the rubber handles peeled off but none the worse for wear otherwise, somewhere ).

(1) Black Pocket Hobbit 4" with swedge sharpened.

(1) Slipjoint 4" pocketknife by Bura.

(1) Straight razor 3" blade marked WELT RUF Solingen

(1) Sanu 8"

(1) John Primble castrating knife

and of course my 4" CS Voyager Tanto plain edge in my right pocket.

My red Spyderco Endura is misplaced at present like the Tomcat, but will be added to the toybox on the 'puter table to play with when it turns up.
Originally posted by Rusty
(1) Black Pocket Hobbit 4" with swedge sharpened.
The Pocket Hobbit has to be one of the ugliest knives I've ever seen...definitely on my Top Ten list...:barf: :barf: :barf:

I've never seen an ugly knife. :)

But if its dull, I dislike it no matter what it looks like. :p
I don't see what all the excitement is about, rednecks down in south Alabama/north Florida been carrying 'em for years.;)
