Kershaw Zero Tolerance


Dec 22, 2002
I was flipping through a magazine the other day "Special Weapons for military and police" or something I think and ran across a Kershaw ad that showed 2 new folders and a fixed blade. It appears like they will run under the name Zero Tolerance. It also indicated they will debut at the SHOT show. I have looked all over for more information including Kershaws site. Anybody have any more information on these knives? The magazine is at Wal-mart and has a picture of a tan FN scar rifle on it. I dont remember the page number but it is in the color section. Thanks.

I dont know alot about it other than it is a Strider/Onion/Kershaw collaboration. I saw the ad myself and am looking forward to seeing theses knives. Rumor has it they will be in the 200.00+range .Oh yeah. for each knife sold, they make a donation to the PVA Paralized Veterans of America.

Here is a good thread about ZT knives on another forum. Ken Onion has some comments here as well. You may have to register, but it is worth it...