Khukie Thong sex on the Forum???

Mar 26, 2002
OK, first RUSTY is posting a link to a bunch of "India Times Sports Illustrated swim suit pictures. Who looks at the swim suits anyway?

I know that some Forum members sleep with their Khuks, claiming that they do this for self-defense. Hah!

Something about a Striputa? Or a Chainlingy? I lose track of these names. They don't translate well from the Nepalese.

Anyhow I do draw the line at putting a THONG on a Khukuris! This is degarding. I never dress mine in anything less than a one piece Sarki.
I don't think it's a bad combination at all:


Just an angle I didn't look into earlier. Thanks!
Either pistol belts are getting a lot skinnier, or someone got out the superglue!

Maybe HI needs to start a celebrity khuk-toting trend. I can see the Oscars next year..
."..and now making their way down the Red Carpet, Sean Connery with a lovely Bura Bainspati. Next, Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton, with matching UBE's by Sanu. "
"What do you think the overall length of this knives is, Kate?"
"Well, these are movie stars, larger than life, and those babies probably come in at about 26" and three or three and a half pounds, Jim."
"And look at that glow-in-the-dark sasitaal! The kamis don't usually finish the handles, and they definitely look Walosified...."