Khukuri Stopping Power for Wild Animals

Mar 22, 2002
Yes, it's crazy, but which Khukuri would you rather have for cutting, say, a mountian lion in twain????

First answer: any!

What is a 'falcata'? Also, wouldn't a heavy chopper be better than a sword like Siruapta?

In the woods, I would choose a heavy chopper, 18" AK or GRS. In a twain, I wud choose a Khukuwi dat.....HEY!!! Dop dat....couga's don't wide twains :rolleyes:
I know a guy who whacked a cougar on the head with a shovel. It didn't cleave the cat in twain, but it communicated the message clearly enough that the cat vacated the premises.

By the way, the guy's name is Duane, as in "Duane the tub, I'm dwowning!" ;)(apologies to Walosi)
Here we go again. ... another thread threatening our wonderful animals :D .... Bears and Lions seem to be the most picked on critters we have in the cantina. ... One day, one of us is going to have an encounter a bear in the woods. ... and the BEAR will pull out a 21" Chitlangi :D:D:D. ... problem solved! You can sit around a campfire and talk about khuks over a bear or two :)

BTW. ... I'd like to have my katana (or maybe a 25-30" Suripati). ... when it comes to big hairy critters, I prefer to keep some distance between me and the sharp, pointy things they bring :eek: ;).

munk, the Falcata is the ancestor of the khukuri. A few were made awhile back and I was lucky enough to get one. Mine IS a chopper. It is a little over 27" in length, and over 3lb in weight. It will out chop my sirupati any day. I wish I could show pictures. It is beautiful and a weapon. I was polishing it yesterday at work, then using butchers bowling alley wax on the handle today and lightly touched the edge by mistake. The bandage is a reminder not to rub against my edges carelessly. If you do a search under the word falcata you will be able to find some great pictures as well as peoples feelings about them when they arrived. They are AWESOME!!!!
Lions and bears are child's play. Down here in So. Florida the only animal we fear is a swam of mosquitos. Now if we only had a khukuri to deal with these savage bloodsuckers (I mean the mosquitos - we are kind of stuck with the lawyers); that would really be something.

Chainsaw sounds good to me.

Better yet, YOU keep the saw and stand between me and the cat.

These other folks seem to be taking your inquiry lightly.
But, you and I know that there are times when specific, well-
planned strategy is the ONLY way to deal with a heretofore
hypothetical situation.

I've given your scenario deliberate thought, and my reasoned
reaction is that the mountain lion would inevitably slip on the
wide track of spontaneously-released uh evacuation...that I would
leave as I broke the land-speed record getting out of there.

I hope this helps.


We're all in this together
Bill, now I know why your phone is busy;)(I've been trying for the last half hour.)
One of those compressed-air horns works great, if the attack hasn't started yet! If it has, you won't have time to swing the knife. A cat attack is usually from behind, when it happens and it is incredibly fast!

Now if you're being attacked and didn't have your neck broken at the outset, the air horn will still probably work. Pepper spray wont though. As far as blades are concerned..... a thrusting weapon, used over the shoulder is your only chance, but to do this without stabbing yourself requires superhuman self control.
Yangdu is on the phone to Chokpa -- this can go on for hours. When it's over I'll ask, "What's new?" Reply, "nothing."
A cat attack is usually from behind, when it happens and it is incredibly fast!


Incredibly efficient.

There's a good reason why cats have all that time to sleep and groom themselves.
I say to one and all: Bunkeroni!

A chainsaw has to be started. (Scenes of Mad Max, beyond Thunderdome.) The air horn is good, but as the writer mentioned, many attacks are from behind or above, and if I am still alive I want vengence. OK, in all honesty first I want the sucker to stop disembowling me. Besides that, how striking a figure can I be carrying an air horn? I mean... sheesh..I wasn't in the Marine Corps, never did nothing, the least I can do is carry a Khukuri...

The well known CA female jogger killed by a cat was shown in autopsy to have lived past the first strike and was still functional. A handgun might have saved her life. It is somewhat of a myth the cat kills on first strike. I mean,if everything works out for kitty you're dead...but how often do things work out for anyone on this crazy planet? Remember getting past the ridge of your shoulders is problematic for kitty. Ever fell on your head but landed on your shoulders, if that makes any sense?

There are lots of cats where I live. These Khukuri's are the only blades I've ever seen that make me feel I'd have a real chance. I've tossed my Kabar on the shelf.

I carry a 4" 41 for kitty. But the Kuk is coming along too now.

Oh, and to the writer who suggested I'd poop my drawers. Nonsense. Besides which, I fart so often kitty would have to be crazy to want to spill my blood...and who wants to see my underwear after 6 hours hiking in the rimrock? Cat should be running away! I mean, their good taste is legend, right?

So say what you all will, I will continue the Great American Tradition of preparing for an attack that will never occur but which will give me infinate ballistic/logistic dicussions while on the old cracker barrel. And who knows what I'll tell my son's someday?

"Back in the old days you had to kill a cougar just to get him off your deer before tagging it."


A serious question: is a stocky Khukuri better than a sword type design? In other words, If King Arthur were here with his sword, and Zorro with his, and an Ex Marine with a 18" AK...what would work best?