Khukuris, Kopis, Khopeshes - blade-forms

Thanks, I enjoy the historical facts. And, the thread hasn't strayed from Khuks.:)
Beoram, I assume where there is just a thin line connecting the blade and pommel or end cap in the illustration, that means the handle was lost or damaged in the specimen portrayed, and the tang remnants were of that shape?

( You have to stay on topic now and then just to be the exception to the rule. )
First Column:

Kukri 18th Cent.

All of these blades have a gently upswept tip - something that tickles my fancy.

I'd still like to see this get made by HI:

Originally posted by pendentive
First Column:

Kukri 18th Cent.

All of these blades have a gently upswept tip - something that tickles my fancy.

I'd still like to see this get made by HI:


Me too!!!!

That looks more like the UBE that's been straightened out a bit, fine design and I love[ that recurve!!!!
Get it made with a Real Convex Edge and the right size and I'm probably gonna jump on it!!!!
Here's a design I've been kickin around for a while...


Kinda like the UBE, but much more so.

Gently upswept tip
Deep Belly
18" OAL

The profile is actually a tad bigger than the YCS.
Yvsa - what do you think of the drawing above? I'm thinking of making a wood model to send would go to you first, though.
should be! My only stylistic difference of opinion on the Pen-Knife is the stubbiness of the tip. This latest design puts the pointy tip back on, and back in my book of cool. also, the point brings the whole design back 'in line' for thrusting.

On the Kopesh, I'd love to see an existing blade from that time period that actually has that kind if tip. I have dozens of fotos and drawings of them, and none exhibit this upsweep, and few have that deep a belly. The Machira, a later (200-300 CE) version that saw service in the Roman Legions, has a deep belly, probably to compensate for the straight spine on the Machira.

Pen, I like. It would be an even better Karda for my HI Falcata than the Pen Knife! ;):)

Design note - Might want to go without the false edge on the tip. May remove much of the metal that will support the tip. The Kamis might make it that way anyhow, tho...they know all the tricks.
Originally posted by pendentive
Yvsa - what do you think of the drawing above? I'm thinking of making a wood model to send would go to you first, though.

Pen I like it, but if you could I would like to see the one that looks like a picture overlayed on the drawing or visey versy.
The one in the pic looks like it doesn't quite have as much curve on the top side and I think I like it better, looks more "pointy", but it's hard to say without a better comparison.

I have a tip on drawing a cho on the wood model before cutting it out to make it more symetrical. Lay a small washer where you want the cho and trace a line around it then add the little hangy down part.:)
That's what I do to even out some of the less than pretty chos on the real khuks.
I like where you have the cho positioned.
The cho creep over the years is something I really don't like although I know it's probably safer, but dammit to me it just don't look right so far down.:grumpy: