Kiwi ?

Feb 23, 2002
Were is the Kiwi made?
Does it say on the blade were it's made?

What's all on the blade?
I have seen in photo's that the one side say's Spdyerco.

Does it say VG-10 on the blade?

Are there numbered Kiwi's out there?


Can you tell me what the V is behind some of the numbered Spdyerco's

Such as on these Salsa's

Link to BF # Salsa

Also are these numbers on the Salsa printed on the blade or engraved?

How about the kiwi's, do they have V's behind there numbers?
Are the numbers printed on the blade or engraved?

I really appreciate you taking the time to help me understand how the Spyderco numbering system works.

The "V" means variant. That is Collectors Club #013, numbered as an optional Variant that Collectors Club members are not required to buy(in this instance the PE version of the Al Salsa).

There are as yet no variants of the Kiwi, so none of the extant numbered Kiwi's will bear the "V" designation.