Klecker KLAX AXE/Hatchet

Good News! I actually won it in a giveaway! As it retails for $210 as pictured above. There is no way in He-double hockey sticks that I would spend that kind of money on a novelty axe. I feel the same way towards it. It's one of those: "Hey, checkout this one of a kind axe I had made". I'd go to Lowes for a real AXE or Hatchet. Also, I'll stay away from the HUGE fan club. Wouldn't want to get axed to death.

The only actually use I see out of this is for taking 1'' tree/brush limb down to make a trap, collect wood for a small camp fire. Let's be honest who goes camping anymore? I had a couple new one man pop up Marine Corps tents for sale last month for the longest time. Finally a friend bought them off of me for his kids. Sure they will only going camping in their backyard.

I go camping, people I know go camping, my customers go camping :D

Last weekend, 200' below the summit of what we call a Mountain here on the east coast. 4 years old on his first camping trip. To be fair though I did break him in out in the backyard last year. Oh and the little 12oz hatchet worked wonderfully for bucking up some dead standing undergrowth. Perfect stuff for a couple of small cooking fires ;-)

It's a shame, I was kind of hoping to see the Klax thingy put to use. Who knows maybe it would have done some work. Most folks write off the one in my picture as well. I certainly don't have the money or desire to find out for myself though.
^any sharpened bit of steel can put in "work"
I have no doubt one could get done whatever they needed to get done using the klax, or pretty much any other sharpened bit of metal lashed to a stick. Even unsharpened bit of metal lol.
Its how efficient it is, or suited to the task that's the question.
You could fell a tree with a blunt steel plate lashed to a stick if you really wanted to.

BTW that's a beautiful looking little hatchet in the above image. I dont believe the klax could hold a candle to that hatchet. Hatchet above is going to be shaped like a proper axe (not flat sided).
Also what happens when the klax handle meets wood when splitting / when the head gets buried to the handle? It cant pass right through like a normal hatchet.
One could argue you could remove the handle on the klax and batton it through. But that's a band aid for a problem that was sorted hundreds of years ago, with the invention of the axe head with the eye in it.

If being able to remove the handle is important to someone, then they should get a hawk or other slip fit axe.