Kmg Just Arrived Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy

May 25, 2006
:d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d
Whhooooooooooooo My Kmg Just Got Here Im Off To Put It Togather Fedex Rocks It Made It From Robs In 1 Day
If The Lights Dim I Just Electrocuted My Self See Ya In A Few Hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good for you, Doc!

If "break a leg" is the actor's good luck wish, I suppose "Grind a knuckle" is appropos for a knifemaker.

Have fun.:thumbup:
way to go man. one of the best days of my life when that KMG hit my doorstep. hope ya have fun with it.
you say see ya in a few hours but i'm sure you'll be in there untill you've either run out of steel, run out of belts, or you need food:D
way to go man. one of the best days of my life when that KMG hit my doorstep. hope ya have fun with it.
you say see ya in a few hours but i'm sure you'll be in there untill you've either run out of steel, run out of belts, or you need food:D

actuly i had to pee REALY BAD! haha that thing rocks :D i didnt know what to do first. i am just amazed my shop is still standing. me and electricity dont agree on much. oh and i got "bit" already thank god it was a 400 grit belt and not a 60. wont have finger prints on my left trigger finger for awhile. i was scared to death after i got it wired that i had fuged it up some how and i was gonna ruin my motor but it all worked out.
i will trade you my KMG for your experiance hows that?:D this is kinda like giving a lamborginie to a 16 year old. i have a kick ass machine but still have to learn to use it properly.:D
Most of the time I would say that better gear dosn't automatically make you better, but in this case, i make an exception. 80% of my grinding woes went out the window when i got me VS KMG a month or so ago:D :thumbup: Now I have to work on the other 20%:( 2 pieces of advice. When flatting long blades on the platen, watch out for the idler wheels...they will bite your blade. Moving the platen out bogs the grinder a bit and i'm sure shortens belt life, but it works. And if you are having trouble with plunge cuts, cheat with the work rest, assuming that you want them straight up and
thanks i will take all the advice i can get. i have a dumd question that maby some one can help with i have the (step) pully config. which combo will produce the slowest belt speed?
ok cool thanks alot. i had it on the small wheels made it kinda hard to keep ahold of :>
Congrats on your new machine. AS for speed on a step pulley rig, the small wheel on the drive motor and the large wheel on the drive wheel axle will give you the slowest speed. Big wheel on motor and small wheel on the drive axle means haul ass! Think of your old ten speed or mountain bike gears.
Wait, you do know that on a step pulley machine, you set the pulleys up opposite right? Big end on one side on the motor, big end on the other side on the drive axle. You don't line em up so that both big pulleys are on the same side.

Using opposing tapers on the pulleys allows for much less hassle in changing speeds and is how the feet per second speeds are calculated. Using teh belt Rob supplies would be a pain in the ass to try and get over both large pulleys!
One more thought, if you use the pulleys in pairs of equal size, you will get no variation in speed no matter which set you use as it will always be a 1 to 1 ratio. The only thing that would change is how far back the motor moves to tension the belt.
Congrats on the kmg... Rob makes a great machine and I am a big fan of his rotary platen....I used the step pulleys until I got my variable setup. Keep some superglue in case you cut a tip of a finger off like I did..... Almost all the way off.... my co-workers laughed watching me stitch my finger up in the ER where I worked.......LOL....LOL.......

I gotta say........Variable Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!

I have one homemade kmg variable, one kmg variable, and now my craftsman 6x48 variable......
:D thanks guys i have the KMG set up with the pullys on the right way:D but good lookin out.

Daniel Prentice- yeah thats one of the things about army "physican heal thy self" when i got out i got to keep my aid bag with all the goodys.

well im off to the shop kit carson is supposed to stop by this am to show me a few things

doc silas
Go man go! Your knifemaking just got a "viagra" :) Congratulations on the KMG...I sure do like mine a bunch.
Good for you Bro.:thumbup: :thumbup: Tell that Ole Dog Kit that I said Hi!!
When he comes over again have him try the HT'g relish I sent you.:eek: :eek: Don't tell him till after he taste it that you got it from me.;) :D

A great day when the KMG arrives at the shop.

Enjoy this fine machine. It will help you keep your finger nails trimmed,

amongst other things.