Knife Blanks

On the topic of blanks.... Is there such a thing as a "Blank" that has already been cut to fit an existing folder??

What I am thinking of is this: Could a knife maker.. expert or novice, get a blade "blank" that would fit in his Spyderco handle or work is his Benchmade Auto, which he could then use to create his own semi-custom knife.

I'm not especially interested in being flamed if you think this is a stupid idea...
but I would be curious to know if it would be considered an insult of a form of flattery by some of the manufacturers

If somebody managed to do it, I would guess that the relevant manufacturer would consider it both flattery and a warranty-voider.

To get a "drop-in" fit, working as well as the original, one would have to have the same sort of high-end precision CNC equipment as the original manufacturer, meaning that it would be a project for a factory and not a workshop.

Or the blade could be made a smidgenth oversize in all dimensions, leaving it to the buyer to do obsessive hand fitting, ending up with anything from a fine semi-custom knife to a shark-fishing sinker.

The nice thing about finishing a fixed blade blank is that there are no moving parts that have to work together. On a fixed blade, if you take off a little bit too much on one side, just take as much off on the other side, clean it up, and call it a design change!


Warranty isn't an issue. I am hoping to get a friend of mine who is an awesome knifemaker to make me a blade for a Benchmade auto. He is concerned about getting the lock and the wieght right and has mentioned the "semi-blank" as an option.

Note: This is note because I can't find a blade that Benchmade makes that I like.. this is just because I want to carry a blade designed by my friend in an auto. He generally just designs fixed blades.
