Knife collector chat room

Jul 2, 1999

A while ago I created a chat room on for knife collectors.
The room never really got off the ground. I still think it would pretty cool to ask questions and have discussions in real time. If anyone wants to try an get this room going, become a member @ talk city(its free) on the home page you will see "list chats" on the left hand side of the screen(scroll down a little) Click on it
Then, on the right side of the page there is a place to enter a room name. Enter the name Sharptongue. Whoever goes to this room will be the first one there, so it might take some time and patience before any real conversing takes place. If this is a bad idea, or if a room like this already exists please let me know. Thanks.


Louis Buccellato

[This message has been edited by TheMartialWay (edited 13 July 1999).]