knife companies

Jan 19, 1999
I have been trying to find a certain knife company (Edgebrand} no books I have list them and nobody here in the forum seems to have heard either. anybody know where else I might try? thanks Mike
Is your brand possibly Edge Mark Brand this was a German and Japan made house brand for Gutman cutlery, Bernard Levin Knives and their values,also the same for C. Houston Price's Guide to Knife collecting. Hope this helps.
Thanks for info Jack I have had this bowie style knife for about 25years. The Has stampe Edgebrand Solingen Ger. #469 Do you know if they are still making knives Thanks again Mike

Edge Brand, G.C.Co., Explorer, and Edgemark, are brands imported by the Gutman Cutlery company. The company has been active since the late 40s and continued until recently (Levine has them listed as still active - but I was unable to find a Phone No., nor have I seen many new examples of these brands during the lasxt 5 years). You should be able to locate old samples in the US fairly easily.

Also you may want to check out Kissing Crane, they are currently importing Soingen knives in traditional styles (warning - steel used on many of these knives is only 420 stainless)

p.s. last reference I see to Gutmann Cutlery is in Knives 97 (17th Annual edition). It lists the company's address as

5151 Bannock St. #D
Denver, Colorado 80216
Tel. 303-433-6506

[This message has been edited by not2sharp (edited 26 September 1999).]