Knife for brother


Jan 28, 2001
I would like some advice for a folding knife for my brother. My brother works as a US Marshal and his co-workers carry folding knives at work. Here are the requirements.

* over 3" blade, although nothing huge (like 5")
*under $150
* Most likely not a frame lock, my brother is not really a knife person and it may be too complicated.
*Very reliable and strong

I appreciate you help in advance.

Thanks, Steve
Maybe some sort of Spyderco. A Police, Military, Para Military, or Endura would probably meet his requirements and serve him well.

Buck 110 comes to mind.
The problem with a Buck 110, is that it is a very heavy knife. Can only be comfortably carried on a belt sheath-> and there is no option for a pocket clip. Spydercos would definetely be lighter, and easier to carry. They come outfitted with a pocket clip, but if you really want, you could stick one in a sheath.

I don't see any problem with a frame lock. Their not that complicated if know what your doing, he should be able to learn how to use it pretty quickely.
Steve without knowing what you plan to spend its hard to call but in my mind a well made lockback makes a frame lock and just about anything else available a waste of time. Get him a Manix or the slightly smaller 83mm Manix and he'll be set for a long time.

If however he wants something a little thicker but not as wide get him one of the BenchMade HK34 knives. These are sometimes referred to as the 14200 models. These HK folders are super smooth, very capable knives with strong reliable locks and you cannot go wrong with one.

I believe for the money that the three knives mentioned here are three of the best knives to come out in the productions over the last 25 years.

I plan to spend no more than $150 that is reflected in my post. I have a Caly 3 that I think I will just give him, I am thinking of getting myself a Sebenza anyways. I just want to make sure he has a quality and reliable knife, because if he has to buy it himself he mosy likely will not choose a quality knife.
I too have to second the manix. Just bought one for my brother for x_mas and he loves it. Not complicated cause it is a lockback. Oh yeah probably one of the favorite folders on the forum.
My bad. Totally missed the $.

The knives I mentioned all fall under that amount. The Caly III, while a fine knife is not really a very good choice for LEO in my opinion; as its a bit on the small side. But it is a quality piece.

I would recommend a Spyderco Manix or Chinook II, depending upon what blade styke he prefers. If you can find one wothin your price range, the Titanium ATR is also a very fine knife, but it is out of productiion and thus going for a goodly mark-up.
I appreciate all the responses everyone. I ended up giving the Calypso 3 to my brother and for a "non-knife" person, he seemed very happy with it. I plan to order myself a Sebenza Friday to replace it :D

My brother does not serve warrants for his job, he only transports prisoners and most of his time is spent in a courthouse, so therefore I do not think he will need a very large knife and it most likely would not be practical.

Thanks, Steve