Knife Makers in Oregon

Dec 31, 2006
Hi there,

I am new to the forums. Thanks for havin' me.

I live in Tualatin, Oregon, which is just south of Portland on Interstate Five.

I am surrounded by Gerber, Benchmade, Leatherman, CRKT, etc. It must be in the blood here, to want to make knives. The bug has gotton hold of me also. I have access to "The Fifty Dollar Knife Shop" by Goddard, but before I make any purchases I would like to visit a few local small setups to get an idea of process and work flow, or in other words, how inna heck do I do this from start to finish?

I do not want to intrude on anyones' private sanctuary, but if there is someone who likes to teach and would have mercy on a novice, I am in need.

Can anyone point me to knife clubs where meetings and demonstrations are a regular, planned event in the Portland area?

Great forum !

Hi John, You may already know about this: There are several demonstration durring the show but other than that and the demonstrations at Blade West not much else going on in our area. You would be welcome to drop by for a visit. You can contact me threw my web page.
I am in Vancouver, WA just across the river from Portland. Feel free to email me at You are welcome to visit and learn from the little bit that I've garnered over the years.
Hey, I have been to your side of the planet :) Lived in Cannon Beach for 2 jobs! SO I lives on Irving and 24th in Portland for almost 2 years :) Nice knifemaking weather for sure :thumbup:
It's great weather from June to end of September with no rain, sunny, 75 degrees and 20% humidity....... But, then the rains come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come....and come

I think that says it all about this area!
Thank you all for your kind responses. I will e-mail you.

Yeah Scott, we all know about the rain here. But the beauty of that well described time between late June and October is so satisfying that we natives tend to treat the rain as the cost for the enjoyment. :thumbup:

Hey blgoode, 24th and Irving is the cool part of Portland if you are Hippy or Alternative or Yuppy, and the parking is free, unlike downtown. I work in downtown Portland, but I park up at 19th and Glisan or so, where the parking is free, and then walk to work. Good exercise. ? But I ain't no hippy.

I also spent time in Cannon Beach working at the Conference Center when I was much younger. Work a little and then hang out or go hiking! But you have to be a successful artist to make it there. I notice they have no knife shops in town...

Thanks again. e-mail me any time.

New here to the forums.. I am in Vancouver so I thought I would say hello.."Hello". I made my first knife when I was 14 with a hand file out of a hand file.. I have made about 10 or so knives and lost interest,,too much work.. That was about 15 years ago but I still have some blanks that I made and now think I should finish them. Maybe make a few more.
