Knife Replacement

Feb 27, 1999

While out on the land the other day stalking an elusive ground hog my Cold Steel Voyager (mid size, tanto, 50/50 edge) decided to deposit itself in a field somewhere. As this was my primary every day carry/duty knife I am left with a dilemma. I need a new knife!!

I am considering the following:
1) a CS Gunsight Folder
2) a CRKT S2
3) some form of Spyderco (maybe a miliary)
4) a BM with their new Axis lock

Any comments on the above mentioned blades would be appreciated.(especially the CRKT. It's pretty new and I haven't heard anything about it yet)

Don't bother commenting on anything with a liner lock. I just don't trust them and have made up my mind to stay away from them.

Thanks in advance for the help!!
I know you said not to bother mentioning a liner lock, but I will have to go ahead and recommend either the 910 Stryker, or the 710 Axis. I have has no problem with my linerlocks, yet, and I stand behind the Stryker 99.99%. From your list, I'd say the Axis is the best for the money. -AR
Jaeger :

Don't bother commenting on anything with a liner lock. I just don't trust them and have made up my mind to stay away from them.

You might not want to include the Military then as its a liner lock.

I would go with the Axis based on the reviews I have seen. However I have not seen anyone compare it to the Benchmade Integral Lock yet and it would be interesting to see which was the better of the two. I don't like the idea of the springs on the Axis and I think if I had one I would do as Steve Harvey suggested and replace them (can you do that yourself?) every so often.

Oopps! Thanks for pointing that out to me Cliff. Perhaps I'll reconsider about the liner locks. My main experience with them has been with a Smith and Wesson folder which I do not like at all.
I do like the looks of that BM Stryker. I handled one last year and was favorably impressed.
OK, I'll retract that last part. Go ahead and comment away on liner locks!
By the way Cliff, do you think the kamis would make a folding AK with a pocket clip?
My suggestions if you want a:

Lockback ... Buck Hunter Master Series BG42
MidLock ... Cold Steel Gunsite Folder AUS-8
Leaf Spring Lock ... Spyderco Military CPM-440V
Liner Lock ... Benchmade Stryker ATS-34
Axis Lock ... Benchmade Vortex ATS-34
Integral Lock ... Benchmade Pinnacle ATS-34

More on the high end price side:

Liner Lock ... MicroTech SOCOM M/A 154CM (higher priced, but the best a very fine knife)
Liner Lock ... Emerson Commander ATS-34 (higher priced)
Rolling Lock ... Crawford Carnivour (very high price)
Integral Lock ... Chris Reeve Lg. Sebenza BG42 (high priced for a comparable knife to Benchmades Pinnacle)
Integral Lock ... Mission MPF1-Ti (need to spend alot, but well worth the $$)

I know what you think about liner locks, but IF you do decide on a liner lock, I mentioned a few here for you.


[This message has been edited by Mark W Douglas (edited 16 April 1999).]

Go with the Military. Lightweight, strong and reliable, it is the best of the breed, IMHO. I have owned an Axis but prefer the Military (new model).

Smith & Wesson knives are probably one of the main reasons for the liner lock phobia. A quality liner lock (Military) is hard to beat and Spyderco is a class act.


Hey Jaeger, all of the knives you listed are worth having, but If I had to choose just 1 it would be the Military, no questions asked.
Chris Top of Texas Knives

Since you lost a Voyager you might want to consider the CS Gunsite. It's an X-tra large Voyager 50:50 tanto in a prettier package. Very reliable knife if you want a bigger one. Don't forget the Gunsite II. It's blade is 4"

The BM Stryker has the lockiest liner lock I have run across. Just as good as the Military.

The Military would be my first choice. I just love the knife, the action and the edge retention.

If you're looking for a tradition lockback, go ahead and check out the Buck 110 Master series if you can find one.

Let us know what you decide.


So far I am pretty impressed with the Axis, but it seems that the military has THE most loyal of owners that I have seen (MD's CTT church members aside). THere is also the REKAT Carnivor that is coming out AND the ReKat SIFU, which looks like it will be a hard one to beat...

I haven't seen the S2 yet, but from what I hear it is in the bottom of the barrel for integral locks, and the BM pinnacle doesn't seem to be garnishing the accolades like the AXIS. Greg's suggestion of another CS isn't too bad of an idea either.

I really like the Axis, but then again, I haven't had the chance to pile on the abuse yet either...I have had some knives that looked promising but fail later on because of some unseen characteristic...
