chesapeake is no longer in the quincy market/fanuel hall. stoddards is no longer at temple, though rumor has it there is one in the prudential building. there is a small stoddards also in the chestnut hill mall. if you're going to be in the area for any length of time, definately check out the selection at the kittery trading post. its only an hour and a half north of the city.
last time jude and I were at kittery they had a sebenza.
why do I tell you this? perhaps you will go up and buy it and save me 400 bucks
the ebay seller razorsharpknife is a store in Hingham, south of boston, called sawyer's cutlery. I've never been but I've heard on bladeforums that it has a pretty decent selection. it can't hurt to check it out.
I am going to have to check out the store in freeport and go back to fanuel hall to check out the old chesapeake knife and tool myself
EDITED TO ADD: if you don't get to any of the above you can try out some sporting goods stores in the area. I am only familiar with those north of boston, but Eastern Mountain Sports in the North Shore Mall in Peabody, right off 128 has a slim selection of leatherman, wegner, crkt and buck. somewhat overpriced.
REI in wakefield has leatherman, crkt, and some benchmades. again, a little high priced. Sports Authority and Dicks, both in the Liberty Tree Mall plaza in Danvers (Sport Authority is IN the mall) have Gerbers and Buck, and Dicks has some SOG, Kershaw, Winchester, Wegner, and some other brands. If you have a serious knife jones, they'll do.
also, if you are into slipjoints or more traditional folders, you can try Ace hardware- the one in rockport has a selection of Schrade, Case, and victorinox. The Yankee Tackle shop in the Cape Ann Marina in Gloucester has a selection of buck and camillus folders (and if you like chowder and seafood there is a fantastic place right across the street. I live nearby and you can buy me lunch if you like

) Pallazzola's sporting goods on main street in Gloucester also has a selection of schrade knives if you want to pay twice what you can online. down the street from there is ANOTHER place with wicked good chowda as well. again, feel free to buy me a bowl and a beer if you want
off the top of my head, that is all I can think of. if I can remember more I'll be sure to add them to the list.
oh, just remembered. there is a walmart on 114 in the opposite direction of the North Shore Mall, that has kershaw, crkt, buck, and the spyderco native PE/S30V for under $40.