"Knifemaking is in my DNA"

Sep 5, 2012
This is a blade that's been in the work for months, finally I am happy to be able to show it off!


This concept came to me quite some time ago, and it took me winning Forged In Fire to finally scrounge up to the funds to move forward on. The handle and general blade shape was waterjet cut from 1/2" thick 5160 spring steel, then forged to shape from there. Had to get inventive with some stuff - sanding the twisted areas was a nightmare - ended up leaving bits of forge finish some places because I wanted to allude to it's forged nature. I gently hot blued the handle to protect all the nooks n crannies.

Overall I am very happy with this knife; it's sharp as the dickens and light in the hand. Let me know what yall think,

Good God! That is the sickest thing ive seen in quite a while. I suddenly feel very inadequate as a knifemaker, and as a man ;)

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love the concept. Very kewl
The handle is integral to the blade correct? It certainly looks that way to me. I think it is a neat idea although some area do look a little unfinished. Is it comfortable in hand?
Kind of looks like a knife that has come to life and is running :)

Very artsy

Well done
Bah, don't say that Boston, I spent way too much time on this guy haha

I did leave some forge finish in areas because I felt all shiny was too much.

The comment that it seems in motion has been made a few times; totally unintentional, but I love it haha