Jul 28, 2003
How come when I go to this website It's all chinese and nothing to do with knifemaking videos?

It is supposed to be Center cross instructional videos.
When I googled center cross instructional videos it took me back to the same chinese website.

I got the web address from an ad in blade magazine.
Hengelo, they might. Sorry I can't help more. Alot of amatuer and low cost production dvd's are not regionaly encoded and wil play in any dvd player. However alot of dvd's do get regionaly encoded and would only play in there proper DVD player. Since it looks like they offer different peoples videos it would be a case by case deal.
Even if the DVD is encoded for a different region is plenty of software (some freeware) out there that will change or remove the encoding for you. Whether or not this would be legal would probably depend on whether or not you own the DVDs.