Knives currently purchased by the US Military.

Aug 24, 1999
I am trying to find out who makes knives for the US military. I am also trying to learn what knives they purchase and their specifications for them. Can somebody help me?
M9 Bayonet, formerly made by Phrobis/Buck

SEAL 2000, made by SOG

AFO, by Benchmade

Endura and Police by Spyderco

Knife by Glock

And I am sure there are more, but may I ask, why do you want to know this?

Marion David Poff aka Eye, one can msg me at If I fail to check back with this thread and you want some info, email me.

Check out my review of the Kasper AFCK, thougths on the AFCK and interview of Bob Kasper.

Mission MPK by Mission Knives.

Who carries the Glock Knife? Never heard of that being issued.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
Expanding the list:

Gerber Multiplier

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Several knives have national stock numbers, and several knives are "issued" by the individual commands via stock numbers and some via open purchase. To narrow the list down you might consider making a list of what commands you are intrested in particularly.

>)-RadarMan-(< age:38
He who thinks by the inch and talks by the yard gets moved by the foot.. Vermont Proverb

I'm going to make an assumption on this, and figure you are looking for SOCOM (Special Operations Command)"authorized" issue knives?
Don't forget the HALO,Socom, and L-udt, these all have military names. What, the military does not use any of these??? How can that be?
I think it is safe to say Ontario makes the vast majority of US Military issue knives. USMC combat,Pilot Survival, machetes, various pocketknives and the M-7 bayonet. The last 150,000+ M-9 bayonets were turned out by Lan-Cay rather than Buck.
What difference does it make why one would want to know? Seems an interesting question to me (what the military uses) As knifeaholics we probably all want to know.
This is one of my favorite pet peeves.

Almost no units issue knives, at least in the Army. This includes SF and Ranger units as well. They are regarded a personal purchase items. A company commander may authorize an impact purchase of knives to be issued to SQD LDRs or the like, but that is a RARE occurance. You are lucky to wrangle a multi tool out of supply.

There have been a limited number of special application knives issued, but they are few and far between, and most of the folks who get them are commissioned. I sold over twenty LUDTs to SF huddies over the years who had never heard or seen them.

"Women bring life into the world
and much death, for they sway the
destinies of men." -Anneas
I guess that is sorta my point. The most popular knife "issued" in the Marine Corps is probably the USMC fighting knife from Ka-Bar and this is usually when a Marine leaves a is attached to a going away plaque. The other most popular general issue has to be a choice of a Leatherman or a Gerber. We managed to get Gerbers by our supply clerk by calling them multipliers vise multi-pliers. We are an electronics unit and he had order frequency multipliers before

>)-RadarMan-(< age:38
He who thinks by the inch and talks by the yard gets moved by the foot.. Vermont Proverb

I agree, I was in the Marine Corps for 6 years and the only knives I was ever issued was a bayonet a couple of times and a machete for jungle warfare school. Both of these knives were POS and I would not care to own either of them. However, 80-90% of Marines carry knives in the field which they have of course purchased with their own money.
I am active duty Air Force and my guys have bought hundreds of Leathermans and now Gerber Multi-Locks. They are used as tools. Base Supply still had Camillus MC-1 paratrooper knives on the shelves still last time I was over there a couple years ago.
The Marine Corps pilots flying the new OV-22, Osprey will be issuesd Spyderco (military model I believe).