Knives & Promotions . . . .

Oct 19, 2010
Calm down, no, not that type of knife promotion . . . :)
I know we all are greatful that BA & KFU now have their own forum, we have a place to hang out and stay off the streets at night, & we have been posting here for a few weeks. So a late congratulations from all of us in case some of us have got in late.
But did you guys notice the really big change lately ???
Both BA & KFU are in the red . . . . no, not their companies, but both Bill & Chris have been "assigned" moderator status as well . . . . :thumbup:
Congrats to both of these great guys on their own forum and continued success . . .
(ok, suck up session and future knife discount attempt overwith) . . . . . :D
Be safe.
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lmao, suckup!! chris is just a titled mod im all the above lmao!
I might have to change my logo colors now, they don't really match the red!!!!!!!!
Rules Infraction!
Illegal to change names, start sub-forum,then change logo.
(I think.)

Oops...sorry...was thinking about s-e-x.....the only game that can't be called,because of weather...or darkness.
If she walks thru here again like that,I'll get back to ya'll later.