Knives You Have Lost

My Vic Pioneer went missing for a week...carry in my right front pocket, along with my fisher space pen at work. Found it today in one of my bike packs :)!
I've lost 2 knives over my days carrying knives and have learned to make it a ceremony to check my pockets for anything that I value (keys, wallet, knife, etc.) intermittently over the course of my day.

One knife was a gift from an uncle; a Buck SAK clone I got around 10-12 years old for Christmas. Lost that one while hitching a ride years later after finally deciding to carry it of course :mad:. Next and even more frustratingly, I lost my grandfathers old blue jig-bone Case stockman while seated at a booth in a restaurant. Went back to look for it after I noticed it went missing and it was gone :mad::mad::(. I was gifted this knife from my family, as at the time he had recently passed.

As a weird twist and at least part of the reason I'm here typing this today, is by finding someone's lost knife walking along a sidewalk outside of a store where my mother used to work. I was around the same age as when I was originally gifted that Buck SAK knife and was unimpressed because it wasn't "cool" enough to gawk over :D, so it hit my toolbox to hibernate over the next number of years :oops:. I already had experience with real SAKs :p. Anyhow, I ended up finding what looks to be an older SE Spyderco 2nd or 3rd gen Delica from what images I can find online. The image of that knife is burned into my memory, though the details aside from the handle texturing and shape have all but evaporated. It was quite possibly a knockoff of some sort, as I remember it had a fair amount of "wiggle" (blade-play). Curiousity and ignorant ingenuity prompted me to disassemble that knife and most likely destroy the scales and eventually ruin the blade. Nothing remains other than the memory of awe in how different this knife was. It wasn't until 2016 that my interest in knives started to spike again and that design popped again in the newer form of the Delica 4, which by then was already a decade old! Thought this bit was a more interesting take on the flipside of this subject :)
Ouch! But if it helped motivate you to go sober it was a win. Congratulations and keep it up! I've been straight for 21 years now with no looking back!
thanks!!! I feel great and have not lost anything since then :cool:
Congrats on 21 years!!!!!!!
Interesting thread. Another of my interests is metal detecting. I have come across a lot of knives while detecting. The old quality pieces are almost always rusted beyond redemption. The new stuff is almost always a low ender and a few times given away to female friends as a purse knife. The only inexpensive folders that I've found worth keeping were SAK's, which I generally clean up and give away. Last year on the edge of town I came across a Buck 119 sized Pakistani or Indian type cheapo FB. I buried it. I was there this year and swung over the spot, it's still there.
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I have yet to lose any knives (knock knock) but I did leave my Seiko Samurai in a hotel room. When the front desk called and said they didn’t find it I threw up. I know housekeeping stole it, but what can you do.
I lost a Kershaw Bareknuckle under our house adding a 30 amp circuit for my wife’s travel trailer. My son found it three months later under the plastic lining the floor of the crawl space when we were replacing some plumbing.
I lost a GEC Pemberton clip blade with buffalo horn scales in some hotel room I'm convinced. Been on a search for a replacement ever since. Anyone reading this who owns one I'll gladly buy it....
Had a bench made cqc7 stolen out of my luggage once. Lost a SAK tinker which I have since replaced. It was a replacement for another that my grandfather gave me. I found the one he gave me and lost the now I carry a replacement for the replacement and keep the one he gave me separate. I often wonder what became of the knives I owned when I was little. I mean, I had the hollow handled survival knife of the 80s...hard to lose...
Interesting thread. Another of my interests is metal detecting. I have come across a lot of knives while detecting. The old quality pieces are almost always rusted beyond redemption. The new stuff is almost always a low ender and a few times given away to female friends as a purse knife. The only inexpensive folders that I've found worth keeping were SAK's, which I generally clean up and give away. Last year on the edge of town I came across a Buck 119 sized Pakistani or Indian type cheapo FB. I buried it. I was there this year and swung over the spot, it's still there.
I don't exactly know why, but I find the fact that you found a big cheap knife, and then reburied it, and also know exactly where it is, strangely hilarious . I like it.:)
I lost a GEC Pemberton clip blade with buffalo horn scales in some hotel room I'm convinced. Been on a search for a replacement ever since. Anyone reading this who owns one I'll gladly buy it....
Had a bench made cqc7 stolen out of my luggage once. Lost a SAK tinker which I have since replaced. It was a replacement for another that my grandfather gave me. I found the one he gave me and lost the now I carry a replacement for the replacement and keep the one he gave me separate. I often wonder what became of the knives I owned when I was little. I mean, I had the hollow handled survival knife of the 80s...hard to lose...
I forgot about my crappy Rambo knife!
I don't exactly know why, but I find the fact that you found a big cheap knife, and then reburied it, and also know exactly where it is, strangely hilarious . I like it.:)

Ya I can see how that would seem comical ;) Actually the knife was laying on the surface in calf deep grass. I got the impression that it likely belonged to a homeless person as I come across their make shift shelters in the brush now and then. I just didn't want some young kid to pick it up. And or to keep it out of the hands of an erratic street person. I have found full sized chef knives in the brush where the homeless crash. They probably steal them for self protection.
I lost a Spyderco Worker with Almite handles, many, many years ago. I think that I left it on a table at a construction site where we took our lunch break, and that someone probably "liberated" it. It was an interesting process in how I acquired the knife in the first place:
On another job, a renovation in an occupied building, there was a catalog or poster of Spyderco knives in the break room. Someone who worked there in the off hours was a dealer rep for Spyderco and their contact info was there (this was long before internet and e-mail IIRC). I left a note on the table expressing interest in the Worker knife. The next day, there was a note left for me which said that if I wanted to purchase one, leave a check made out to so-and-so in the break room's table drawer. I did. The next day during morning break, I opened the drawer and there was my BNIB and first ever Spyderco knife. I never met the person who sold it to me. I sorely miss that knife to this day.
Man I lost a ZT 0777 (paid 650$), and a Spyderco Military CRUWEAR. Both instances involved alcohol. Sober for 10.5 months now :):D

Good time in and hang in there buddy! I went from living on the streets, to sobering up and making incredible changes 21 years ago. I cried like a baby on my first year birthday, but we all come in at different levels of insanity or desperation. The only knife I remember losing was at a drunken bush party. I also remember throwing a switch blade into my best friends foot while hammered. It's better on this side now.
Good time in and hang in there buddy! I went from living on the streets, to sobering up and making incredible changes 21 years ago. I cried like a baby on my first year birthday, but we all come in at different levels of insanity or desperation. The only knife I remember losing was at a drunken bush party. I also remember throwing a switch blade into my best friends foot while hammered. It's better on this side now.


The knife I miss the most would be my dad’s old Premium Stock knife. I borrowed it so often when I was a kid, that he finally quit asking for it back. Oh, I loved that knife. Even when they got me my own, for about my twelfth Christmas, I still liked the old one better. It had very dark brown scales, bone, I think, and a distinctively tiny pen blade. Darn handy for carving, it was!
Over time, the pile side scale fell off and I glued a strip of thick, reddish brown suede to the side. It stayed on surprisingly well.
In my early twenties we were moving and as far as I remember, I handed it to our friend to cut a box and never saw it again. Our new place was some distance away.
It may still be out there in the Vancouver area. You just never know. Maybe one day the Knife Gods will smile and there it will be, in a POS box, all forlorn and waiting...
The Christmas knife was in the tackle box, in the trunk of the car that ended up in the impound when my ex rear ended someone. Rats!
Ya I can see how that would seem comical ;) Actually the knife was laying on the surface in calf deep grass. I got the impression that it likely belonged to a homeless person as I come across their make shift shelters in the brush now and then. I just didn't want some young kid to pick it up. And or to keep it out of the hands of an erratic street person. I have found full sized chef knives in the brush where the homeless crash. They probably steal them for self protection.
Oh. Makes sense.
I’m not sure if stolen counts as lost, but many years ago, when I was a much wilder fella in my 20s, someone took it upon themselves to snag a Buck/Strider off the top of my dresser. It was a big party, bonfire, several kegs of beer, lesson learned.