Knives you lost over Thanksgiving...

Oct 4, 1998
Spyderco steel scaled Dragonfly just touched up too.
Must have fallen out of my pants at the neighbors. They disavow all knowledge.
Kershaw Black Colt (sentimental value)

Actually I realized I lost this knife a few weeks ago but I am still in mourning.

Coho61 (Greg M)
Kodiak Alaska

As I told the guys on chat, I lost my BM mini-AFCK - M2 last Saturday. I was helping the parents move a TV into their lake house. I was really bummed (Thanks for the sympathy, Blues.)

I have made it a point NOT to buy any additional BM, so I replaced it last Sunday with a m-SOCOM. I was adjusting to the MT. But just didn't really enjoy it. (The small Sabenza is on the x-mass list I gave to Mom and thats the replacement I really want.)

Anyway, bless moms heart. She found the BM stuck in one of the cracks in their motorhome. The BM is back in the fold.

But I still want the little 'benza and/or Umfann for x-mas.


[This message has been edited by Bubba (edited 29 November 1998).]
Not quite the same thing, but I just found my Spyderco Goodard lightweight that has been missing for several weeks. Since I had already replaced it, I now have a matched set! Something to be thankful for!
