Knuckle Guard

Oct 15, 2002
Hey guys! I got a quick question that someone might be able to help me with. Is there an instruction or picture of some sort, that explains how to tie the D knuckle guard? Does Busse offer this as an option with they're knives? It looks practical and i wouldn't mind tryin' it out.

Eric, thanks for the links and the quick response! Im gonna go try it out now...

Originally posted by Eric Isaacson
and if you have any hints to make it easier :D:D

Yeah, I think that means if you do them for us for free... :p

Just kidding. I can't even tie a granny knot.

Let us know how it turns out man.

I made one a while ago. Heck of a lot of fun....after you get the hang of it. One suggestion: don't tighten it much; I did, and the weave was too tight. It made it uncomfortable to use.

Tying it off was my hardest problem. If you figure out a good way to do it, please post pics!! :D
Go to Bad Mojo site for instructions and pics.My daughters friend made a few for me and they came out real nice.
Hey, thought i'd let you guys know how my first shot at the D Knuckle Guard went. I grabbed some paracord before i went to work and made my first attempt at it.
Looked like crap for the first 2 inches but then i sorta got the hang of it. I untied it and planned to redo it when i got home from work.
SO i got home and went at it. Started off good but ended up untieing it AGAIn, just because i needed it to be perfect ;)
So on my 4th-5th attempt i got it up to par with some of the other knuckle guards i've seen. Referring to the instructions Eric linked me to: I found it easier to do one knot at a time rather 2 simultaneously (easier to tighten down). Just by following the instructions i found it very easy to do, 3-4 tries at it and you should come right along. I thought 12 feet was a bit much and i ended up cutting off about 5 feet when i was done. I just estimated measurements so i might be wrong. The 12 ft. was annoying to work with and confusing with all the slack. The only problem i ran into was finishing it off, i'm still looking for a way to hide the extra slack, but for now i have about a 6 in. lanyard hanging off the side. When i was done it felt a little flimsy and loose, so i drenched the paracord with some hairspray. It is now perfectly uniform and firm. Plus it looks SWEEET!!
Thanks again Eric for heading me in the right direction!
I appreciate it.

P.S. Anyone that hasn't tried tieing this yet, refer to these pictures and you'll find it easy with a great outcome!!

"D Knuckle Guard"
I'm glad you found the pics helpful. Just curious, why did you use hairspray? :eek: It wouldn't have been my first choice. But, if it works it works I guess....
Hehehe, well, it was 4 am and my knuck guard felt flimsy. So i ran upstairs and grabbed some harspray. Couldn't think of anything else to use. If you have any sugesstions to stiffin' it up a bit, let me know. Cuz the hairspray kinda stinks!:) Anyways it sure is stiff and i like it alot better tight n' stiff oppsed to flimsy.

Let me know if you have an alternative.
I did a cord D-guard on my Basic-7, and got the cord to tighten up by putting in under the kitchen facuet and running scalding water on it for about 3mins. the hot water shrinks the para-cord up nice and tight..:D :D