Koji Hara website?

Apr 22, 2000
What happened to Koji's web page? Anyone have the new link? I'd very much like to see what he's been up to in the way of customs!

For those who are not yet familiar with his work, allow me a moment of "bragging rights". Hope you enjoy these...

Although this shot doesn't do it justice, I can tell you for sure that this guy knows how to pick, and work, pearl!

Closeup of his trademark "airstep" design:

Detail of the airstep, and finishing of the liner:

And, of course, no fine blade would be the same without the artist's signature:

I have found him at.
When this site comes up your computer may tell you that to see the site properly you will have to download some Japanese program. Just hit cancel, because the site is also in english.
Keith - Thanks. That website seems to have changed servers from time to time, so I lost the URL. Appreciate the link, I updated my bookmark.

How would everyone rank the Hara knives (not production) against others? I am trying to get a sense of where Koji's work places in quality, uniqueness, and value, against those "legengary" makers who shall remain anonymous for this discussion, only because there are too many outstanding makers out there to mention!!!!

Although many makers, even for their "custom" knives, have a set basic pattern, I have yet to see another quite like the one above. It crosses between Koji's patterns of the "Ran":

and the "Orc":

Besides the fact that Hara's blades surely
do have a one-of-a-kind mystical effect, and there's truly a "Zen" approach to that AirStep design of his, I have yet to see another that's quite like this. It doesn't fall into any of his "standard" custom patterns as suggested by the above.

Where does the collecting community place his work at this point in time? I bought this knife in an act of passion for the artfulness, and soul of it (no surprise I like Damascus, too), but I'm curious to know what the "long term" view is of his work.

Is it possible that this is a "one-off"? Am I just a "lucky winner?"

[This message has been edited by Rovert (edited 01-28-2001).]