Koppo Stick Keychain: A Review


Aug 11, 1999
I've been drooling over JSP's titanium defensive sticks for awhile, and each one I get is even better than the next. The latest tool I have is a Sir Don inspired Koppo Stick, with a keychain hole attached so you can add your keys, a la the Tak Kubota KUBOTAN. The primary difference from the Kubotan and the Koppo Stick Keychain(KSK) is that the KSK is made out of smooth anodized titanium. Ooooohhhh! Oh, and the fact that the KSK is patterned after the Koppo Stick, a hand weapon popular in feudal Japan. Back then, a length of cord or string was used for grip retention. Now, thanks to modern technology, we have the ever popular 550 paracord. This unassuming loop of string enables the user to employ a wide variety of grips, with each grip serving a special purpose.

Regular grip with middle fingers inserted in loop. This leaves a portion of the stick protruding from both ends of your fist, making strikes from either end devasting. Don't believe me? Try smashing some stacks of cardboard with either end and see what kind of damage occurs...or use a piece of wood. No damage to your hand, CONSIDERABLE damage to the wood. This grip also allows you to leave your hand open, while still retaining the KSK. This lets you grab your opponents hair, clothing, skin, etc. and then you can dig either end of the KSK into their body.

Last two fingers in loop. This leaves either the keys hanging off the bottom of your fist, or a portion of the KSK from the bottom, with the keys from the top. Either way allows various hooking (pallusoot) and DrawPoint techniques.

First two fingers in loop. This leaves a significant portion of the KSK coming out of the TOP of your hand, allowing thrusting and poking techniques.

Again, practice makes perfect. One amusing story is when my 13 year old son was rolling with my buddy, who's a blue belt in BJJ. Difference was, my son had my KSK in his hand, and by simply holding onto the cloth of my friend's gi and digging one of the points into my friend's thigh, enabled him to escape. After that, we all took turns holding onto the KSK while grappling; and found that almost all finishing holds and escapes are a helluva lot EASIER with the KSK. Being choked out? Just dig the KSK into your opponent's arm, collarbone, ribs, thighs, hips, hell, ANY bony part and you will get a GUARANTEED escape!!

Now, for technical matters. The KSK measures an even 6", and is made of smooth titanium. Basic KSK's are blasted, although JSP will anodize them in pretty colors if you want. Mine matches my other JSP titanium sticks, a dark bronze and purple; it's so pretty!
Since it's attached to several car keys and house keys, the KSK is pretty much going to get scratched. I've had mine for almost two months now, and I have only one teeny tiny scratch, so the finish is long lasting. At any rate, JPS will re-anodize for a slight fee.

Carrying options? I carry mine either in my waistband, for a left handed draw, or in my left front pocket. The plan is this; draw the KSK with my left hand, and draw whatever knife I'm carrying with my right. Carrying is a pleasure, except for the clanging of the keys while I walk. If I want to be quiet, I just shove the whole thing, KSK and keys, all into my pocket. End of jangling.

All in all, the Sir Don inspired KSK is a wonderful addition to my daily carry, and I honestly don't think I can live without it. Now, I just gotta get one for my wife and daughters!

Interesting link: www.concentric.net/~Budokai/hibuki/yawara.htm

Pare! nice review of that
if I ever go down to Chicago we haev to meet up... maybe you can teach a wimp liek me a thing or two about grappling cause I am getting creamed here.

If you want one of these koppo mods you shoudl contact eda koppo as he is sellign his for a cheap price sort of.. then you can trade me i the future

I wonder where the 'Sir Don' thing came up..

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