• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

    User Name
    Serial number request

Kudos to EDI and Will Fennell


Jan 8, 1999
If anyone is on the fence about EDI knives, by all means buy one. I purchased a Genesis 1 about a month ago at a gun show in Charlotte. I found that the blade wasn't as tight as I would like. I ended up tightening the pivot pin (big no-no) and stripped the head off one screw. I didn't realize that this knife was constructed differently than most liner-locks and that you aren't supposed to tighten the pivot (I used to own many Benchmades). A call to EDI led to a quick return call from Will Fennell. He was obviously very concerned about my problem and had a new pivot pin shipped to me right away. I installed the new pin and have been thoroughly enjoying the knife since. Will called me a couple of days ago to make sure I was happy with the knife and to talk knives (I found out about this site through Will. Much better than the other, IMHO) He is a very stand up guy and I would not hesitate to do business with his company in the future. You won't get this type of personal attention with most manufacturers (hello Benchmade) and my only regret is that there aren't more people in business with Will's attitude. Will, I'd love that complimenatry Genesis II now

Sorry for the novel (first post),
Chris Raymond

You've experienced what many others have with Will. In this fast expanding era of e-commerce it is refreshing to see a CEO of a company make the kind of effort Will does to ensure that his products end-user is happy.

I've had the pleasure to speak to him on more than one occassion and have been posting my endorsements of his blades and customer service since acquiring one of the first 100 Genesis I's made. Any way you cut it, you can't go wrong with EDI Inc.!

Glad to see another satisfied consumer


Bald is beautiful! Rub a dome for luck today!

Will Fennell and Mike are VERY responsive to service inquiries and repairs.
I WON a Genesis on this forum simply by being cool. Anyway, the blade was a bit loose so I returned it. The turnaround was less than a week, and that was during the holidays.
These are great knives guys!! Believe me, they beg to be used. And when used, they stand up very well.

Talk is cheap. Free speech is not.
